Innovative Learning

Jamk University of Applied Sciences develops, innovates, and researches work-oriented learning and pedagogical solutions that support it. As an expert community in vocational higher education, we serve as your development and research partner in the work-oriented learning ecosystem! 

A creative pioneer in the development of working life-orientated pedagogy

Innovative learning aims at building future competence, which can be reformed and refined into competitiveness by developing sustainable solutions for learning and renewal. In our focus areas, we implement versatile and multidisciplinary education, service, development and research activities.

We support the renewal of the competence of companies and other organizations and the growth of competitiveness through various education and development services both in Finland and abroad. We train experts in the field of education and develop education and training. Top expertise builds world champions.

At the core of Jamk's expertise lie high-quality teacher education and strong business competence. When planning our education and expert services, we utilise research data within the field and the diverse expertise from other Jamk fields of education as well. In our activities, we use pedagogical design and digital environments. Jamk is an internationally audited and accredited university of applied sciences esteemed by the working life. 

We develop, study and produce new innovative pedagogical solutions.

Create Joy in Learning

At Jamk, you can study to become a specialist in education or deepen your pedagogical competence. Jamk's School of Professional  Teacher Education trains experts in teaching and guidance and develops pedagogical competence in working life. We support the renewal of the competence of companies and other organisations through various education and development services both in Finland and abroad. 

Professional Teacher Education

At Jamk's School of Professional Teacher Education, you can study the pedagogical qualifications (required to work as a teacher in Finland). Our International Professional Teacher Education is available in English as hybrid studies.

Teacher Education and Educational Leadership

Expertise for the improvement of the quality of education: professional development programmes and development cooperation projects. Support stretching from school development to educational system reforms.

Publications and materials 

Contact us

Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen

Johtava tutkija, Principal Researcher
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education