news 1.10.2024

Best Practices in Inclusive Work-Integrated Learning in Higher Education - The IN-WORK Final Event

As the In-Work project comes to an end after two years of dedicated effort, the final event "Best practices in Inclusive Work-Integrated Learning in Higher Education", will be held to celebrate its success and present its results.

A trainee at car service, smiling next to a car wind shield. European union logo

This initiative, Inclusive communities at work - IN-WORK, which began in 2022, addresses the role of the university within its reference region as a driver for an inclusive culture, by developing and testing a model of intervention that focuses on the relation between the inside and the outside the university and the involvment of the people. The project uses the Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) method, which includes work-based learning (internships and traineeships) to support people with special needs to undertake meaningful learning experiences with the world of work. 

The IN-WORK project is co-funded by the European Union (Erasmus+). Jamk University of Applied Sciences is one of the three universities in the project consortium from different countries of Europe. The universities in this projects have different regulatory frameworks for special needs and belong to different cultures. The project is coordinated by University of Macerata. The fourth partner is an association of universities and has a more comprehensive overview of the topic across countries. 

Join us to explore how inclusive work-integrated learning can drive positive change in higher education and beyond! 

The final event will take the form of a webinar, to ensure that everyone can participate. The webinar will be held via Microsoft Teams, on Thursday the 10 of October 2024 from 11 to 12:30 (CET 10.00-11.30).  

The event will begin with an overview of the project, and then move into a presentation of the WIL guidelines, and real-life testimonials from those involved. The event will conclude with an interactive Q&A session. 

Attend the webinar

If you are interested in attending, the webinar's Teams link can be found here. 


Kaija Peuna-Korpioja

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Opettajankoulutus, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education