
One of the tasks of the Jamk as an university of applied sciences is to carry out applied research that serve education, promote industry, business and regional development and regenerate the economic structure of the region.

Research is an important part of Jamk University of Applied Sciences’ RDI activities. The aim of the research is to produce new information, which aims at practical applications. Our main focus is on solving practical problems and finding solutions. Our research relies on our focus areas defined in the strategy, as well as other research themes. Close working life cooperation and networking both in Finland and internationally support our expertise.

In research, we have a multidisciplinary group of about forty researchers working in close cooperation with our other experts. Research can be seen in various forms in Jamk: In separate research projects, as part of development projects, and in cooperation with research organisations, companies, and other organisations. In addition, we are an active publisher of publications and participate in national and international conferences. Our researchers work as experts in their field both at Jamk and in various expert networks.

Our research activities are funded by: The Academy of Finland, other EU and international research programmes, Business Finland, foundations, companies, and other organisations.  In 2023, the total volume of Jamk's RDI activities was €20,3 million.

Research themes and researchers at Jamk

In Jamk, the research focuses strongly on our focus areas. In addition, research is carried out on other themes, for example in the social and health care sector and the business sector . Read more about research priorities, research projects, and our researchers.

Open Science and Research

Open science and research increases the visibility, findability, and further use of expert information. It benefits projects, Jamk´s staff and students, Jamk´s stakeholders, and the surrounding society. Read more about open science at Jamk.

Research permit

Research permit is always required if the research subjects are the employees, students, representatives or members of Jamk. It is also required for research projects that require the disclosure of data or archive material.

Ethics Committee at Jamk

Ethics committee discuss and makes recommendations on ethical issues, prepares ethical principles and guidelines and issues ethical review statements on at the request of a researchers.

Jamk publications

Our publications promote extensive and multidisciplinary teaching, research and development work at Jamk. The publications are authored by our specialists, as well as our partners and students. 

R&D activities are evaluated responsibly

Jamk is involved in reforming the evaluation of research and development activities. Evaluation is significant as it often guides career development, funding allocation, and research focus areas.

Contact information

Mika Karjalainen

Vararehtori, Vice Rector
Konsernin hallinto, Administration
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Petri Moilanen

T&K-päällikkö, R&D Manager
Kehittämispalvelut, Research and Development
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Juha Hautanen

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Piia Honkanen

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
Teknologian kehittämispalvelut, Technology Development Services
Teknologia, School of Technology

Mirva Leppälä

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
LIKE T&K, Research and Development
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Kare Norvapalo

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
Hyvi kehittämispalvelut, Development Services
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies