Jamk Alumni Community

The Jamk Alumni Community connects Jamk University of Applied Sciences graduates with each other and with the university. You have spent memorable years on Jamk campuses. We encourage you to be a proud Jamk Alumni for life!


Anssi Ylönen, Bachelor of Engineering, is Jamk's Alumni of the Year 2025

Group Manager Anssi Ylönen's active involvement as an alumnus and his long-term and diverse collaboration with Jamk were decisive in his selection as Jamk University of Applied Sciences' Alumni of the Year 2025.


A record number of students graduated from Jamk in 2024

In 2024, Jamk University of Applied Sciences saw the highest number of graduates in its history.

Jamk Alumni Register

As a member of our Alumni Network, you will receive information about Alumni events and education relevant to your career advancement.

Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning is more important today than ever. Jamk University of Applied Sciences offers flexible and working life oriented education in an international learning environment, for tomorrow's needs.


Our mentoring programs invite alumni to share their expertise and support Jamk students in their professional growth.

Five years after graduation - Career Monitoring Survey (Uraseurantatutkimus)

By answering the Career Monitoring Survey, you provide students with information about employment in the field and feedback to Jamk on the effectiveness of education.

Alumni of the Year

The purpose of the Alumni of the Year award is to promote Jamk's societal interaction and strengthen the school's alumni activities. Get to know Jamk's Alumni of the Year and nominate your own candidate!

Contact the Jamk Alumni Team

Jamk's Alumni Team is happy to help with all alumni matters.

Continue your studies at Jamk

Jamk offers studies for Jamk Alumni free-of-charge via Open Studies:

  • For Bachelor's Degree Alumni: Master-level Study Routes (two years after graduation)
  • For all Jamk Alumni: Idea to business coaching and Business coaching -courses at Startup Factory (one year after graduation)
  • For Professional Teacher Education Alumni: studies in the field of teaching and education at the Open Studies (one year after graduation).