Professional Teacher Education

Are you interested in teaching and training? In our post-degree programmes you can study to become a professional teacher, vocational special needs teacher and study counsellor.

The length of the studies varies from 1 to 2 years depending on the student's personal study plan. We offer you an enthusiastic and inspiring learning environment. The annual application period is on January.

Teacher Education Programmes

Professional Teacher Education is available in English, as hybrid studies. The Vocational Special Needs and Study Counsellor -programmes are carried out in Finnish.

Professional Teacher Education

International Teacher Education for the Digital Era

Application period: 8.1.2025 - 22.1.2025

Study mode:

Part-time studies

Education starts: 1.8.2025

Study Counsellor Education

Study mode:

Part-time studies

Education starts: 1.8.2025

Vocational Special Needs Teacher Education

Study mode:

Part-time studies

Education starts: 1.8.2025

Open UAS Studies in Teaching and Education

 Are you aiming to become a professional teacher? Through the open UAS studies in Educational Sciences you can familiarize yourself with the pedagogical studies organized by the Jamk School of Professional Teacher Education. 

Read more

Contact us

Jamk University of Applied Sciences

School of Professional Teacher Education

Rajakatu 35 E

40200 Jyväskylä, FINLAND

Tel. +358 20 743 8100

Staff emails form: [email protected]

Questions about the applications or the studies? Student Services email: opiskelijapalvelut.aokk(at)