Cultural Services

Studying music in Jamk takes place at the Finnish Music Campus, Pitkäkatu 18 – 22. Take advantage of expertise and versatile services that the Music Campus offers.

Practice Music School

Find a new hobby or refresh your old musical skills at Jamk Practice Music School! At our music school you can study playing several different instruments. We accept both beginners and those who have played instrument or singed before. The student must be at least 5 years old, for singing at least 15 years old, and there is no upper age limit.

Event Calendar

The concerts at the Finnish Music Campus offer musical experiences for all ages and for those who like a wide variety of music, from classical lied concerts to rock concerts, from solo performances to larger productions.

Music for Your Event

Are you looking for a performer for your event, meeting, evening party, wedding or other celebration? Among our students you can find experts from classical music to pop/jazz, all musical styles are comprehensively covered. Performers and ensembles are available, from soloists and self-accompanying troubadours to duos, trios, bands and vocal ensembles.


Chamber choir Cantinovum is a mixed choir founded in 1989. Cantinovum's goal is to make artistically high-level music and develop the choir's multi-expressive sound. The choir is led by Rita Varonen, who works as a choral conducting lecturer at Jamk. Cantinovum's repertoire consists of orchestral and a cappella works, from Renaissance to the modern music.

Finnish Music Campus

The Finnish Music Campus is a development unit for music, dance and applied arts formed by Jamk University of Applied Sciences, the University of Jyväskylä and Jyväskylä Educational Consortium Gradia. The event activities at the Music Campus are versatile, and students  have wide opportunities to study cross-curricularly at different educational institutions.

More information

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Tule mukaan Opetushallituksen maksuttomiin koulutuksiin.

Musiikin digitaaliset liiketoimintaympäristöt ja yrittäjyys 15 op -koulutus

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Student story

Yhteisömuusikon erikoistumiskoulutuksesta uusia välineitä työhön

Saara Tallqvist valmistui Jamkin yhteisömuusikon erikoistumiskoulutuksesta vuonna 2022. Lue Saaran mietteet koulutuksen annista ja ajatukset Suomalaisesta musiikkikampuksesta inspiroivana opiskeluympäristönä.