news 31.1.2025

Jamk strengthens the skills of vocational teachers in Kenya – Finnish practices explored during visit in January

Jamk University of Applied Sciences is implementing a development project aimed at enhancing the skills of vocational teachers in Kenya. The development work, part of the Youth Employment and TVET in Kenya program, strengthens workplace learning and collaboration with the labor market in vocational education, as well as competence-based education and related teacher skills. 

Group of people at a meeting.

The Improved pedagogical capacity of TVET in Kenya -project is being carried out in vocational institutions in Kenya. The development work is funded by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Finland and Germany.

A group of 11 teachers and education professionals traveled to Finland and visited Jamk University of Applied Sciences from January 19th to 24th, 2025. The participants included vocational teachers and representatives of management from three vocational institutions in Nairobi: PC Kinyanjui, Karen TTID, and NP Kabete. A representative from the Kenyan Ministry of Education was also present. 

The visit to Finland included familiarization with Finnish vocational institutions. The goal was to also explore the practices of workplace learning in vocational education. The visit included meetings at the Finnish National Agency for Education and the Educa fair in Helsinki. 

Group of teachers participating a meeting in a classroom at Jamk.

The aim of the visit was to give participants the opportunity to see firsthand how vocational education is implemented in Finland. The group's questions led to essential discussions on the practical arrangements of workplace learning, such as communication between the workplace and the school, assessment, and the student's role in learning and in the workplace. Regarding teacher training, the Kenyan teachers paid particular attention to the requirement of three years of work experience in their field as an admission criterion for vocational teacher education. This was considered important not only for understanding the labor market but also for the networks needed in the teachers' work.

More information:

Seija Koskela

Asiantuntija, Specialist
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Hanna Laitinen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education