Research in Innovative Learning
The focus area of Innovative Learning concentrates its research on working life-orientated learning and education, emerging teaching profession and factors influencing the entire learning ecosystem.

Research on Innovative learning is working life -orientated
The research on Innovative Learning at Jamk University of Applied Sciences arises from the transformation of working life and the development of digital technology, which are shaking up the entire field of education. Subsequently, this modifies the ways of learning, learners’ actions, teachers’ role and identity, pedagogy, learning environments, educational structures and competence management.
The constant fluctuation in working environments changes the nature of work and sets new competence requirements. The ways of working change, thus, maintaining and updating competences is a continuous process. Utilising digitalisation in competence development creates flexible opportunities for continuous learning, shaking up ways, spaces, and time where we learn. Therefore, education providers must also examine their own operations, create innovative and collaborative pedagogy, develop learning ecosystems and create new ways of supporting learners to identify and build their own competences.
Applied, practice-based and multi-methodogical research
As research in Innovative Learning focuses on working life-orientated learning, emerging teaching profession and factors influencing the entire learning ecosystem, it is, by its nature, applied, practice-based research which utilises many different methodological approaches.
Publishing and disseminating the research results is essential at Jamk and is achieved using varied channels and forums aimed at reaching those who will use and apply the information. Our research activities are implemented in close cooperation with national and international higher education organisations, research centres and business-related networks. Thus, it realises the Competence for Competitiveness mission included in Jamk’s strategy and research-based higher education teaching and learning.
Research in various networks
Research is carried out in close cooperation with other research actors, education and business partners from various networks. The EduFutura-network in Central Finland offers possibility to conduct RDI-collaboration with secondary schools and the University of Jyväskylä. The research group between the five Finnish Schools of Professional Teacher Education on working life-orientated vocational learning, pedagogy, and education, broadens the network nation-wide. International partners and networks such as Jamk’s RISEN-network extends the research collaboration globally.
Focus areas in research
1. Professional learning in the digital era
Digital learning environments and the development of technologies and networks are shaping and creating new opportunities for education and working life. Remote simulations and various visualisation technologies offer learners location-free possibilities to practice their skills and develop their professionalism.
New technologies also challenge teachers and instructors to develop their skills, competences, and rethinking pedagogy, thus, shaping teaching activities, special needs education and guidance practices.
At the heart of the research is the utilisation of technologies in a pedagogically appropriate manner through different experimentations. The development of technologies and faster connectivity offer many new opportunities for professional learning as well as teaching, guidance, and special needs education. For example, VR, AR and AI technologies with fast connectivity offer learners opportunities to practice their skills at any time and in any place.
Research and projects
Here are some examples of our projects on this focus area:
2. Work-related learning
Vocational learning and education are closely and, in many ways, intertwined with working life and its learning environments. Learners are not only students but also teachers, supervisors, and other working life professionals.
When cooperation between educational organizations and workplaces is effortless, it serves all parties and supports working life skills and competitiveness.
The focus of our research is on the ecosystems of workplace learning and education, i.e. cooperation between education and working life, which make continuous learning a reality, strengthen the effectiveness of education and support competence development and transformation processes of business life and companies.
3. Evolving professional teacher
- Vocational teachers, tutors and special education needs teachers are seen as experts both in their own subject and professional field as well as in pedagogy and competence development. They are multi-talented, network weavers, developers and researchers of teaching and guidance in their own field.
- Due to changes in the work and roles of a teacher, they have become experts in learning and competence development. Experts who utilize their competences in different environments also outside their teaching profession.
- Exploratory research focuses on the growth of teacherhood and guidance in different environments: vocational colleges (VET), universities of applied sciences, workplaces, and teacher education nationally and internationally (including study counsellor and special educational needs teacher education).
4. Expertise in lifelong guidance
- A study counsellor is a professional in guidance and interaction in different educational organisations and other guidance and counselling environments. The counsellor is a multi-skilled professional in lifelong guidance and continuous development of professional skills as well as in systemic development.
- The work of study and career counsellors is researched in many ways. Our special research topics are counsellors’ guidance and interaction skills, capabilities to support lifelong career planning, multidisciplinary and multi-professional cooperation, and the professional identity of a study counsellor.
5. Support for learners with special needs
Vocational special education and preparatory education support the implementation of equality in education and enable the participation of all learners in studies and working life. Core competences of a vocational special needs education (SEN) teacher is taking the student's learning challenges into account, building individual study paths and having multi-professional and cross-disciplinary competence.
Vocational special needs education is studied by examining special pedagogical methods and their effectiveness for learning and work as well as researching special educational needs (SEN) teacher education and SEN teachers work. Our special research topics are adults needing special support, questions related to well-being and intensive special needs support in vocational education and training.
Recent research projects:
Integrating RDI with teaching and learning at Universities of Applied Sciences
Implementation time: 1.10.2023 - 30.11.2024
Unit: School of Professional Teacher Education
Financing program: Ministry of Education and Culture
Find out more about our research team in Innovative Learning.
A national research group between the Schools of Professional Teacher Education on working life-orientated vocational learning, pedagogy, and education
Researcher team

Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen

Minna Silvennoinen

Eila Burns

Ilona Laakkonen

Susanna Kanninen

Heini Ikäheimo
Principal Lecturers

Kaisa Räty

Siru Lehto