Summer Courses in Jamk Open UAS

Summer studies, why not? There are plenty of interesting courses, most of them during the first weeks of summer so you'll also have time to relax. Choose yours!

Studies in Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences are available to everyone, irrespective of age and educational background. The courses are suitable for you who

  • want to develop your expertise or the knowledge and skills needed in the world of work
  • are considering studies at a university of applied sciences and want to be familiarised with your future field of study
  • want to advance your all-round education in your areas of interest
A young man with a hat and headphones


Enrol for summer courses!
Enrolment for Open UAS Studies summer courses starts 15 April 2024 at 9 a.m. Be ready!

What do I need to study online?

To study online, you need to have a computer with access to the internet and basic computer skills. Jamk primarily uses Moodle e-learning environment for online studies. Online studies may include assignments of various kinds, depending on the course.

  • online discussions
  • group work
  • independent assignments
  • online exams
  • webinars, online lectures and videos etc.

You may practice the use of the online learning environment at the Moodle training area. Other systems, such as an online conference service (Zoom), may also be used in the courses, so you should also have a headset available.

Depending on the course, you may be able to pace your studies freely or you may need to follow a more specific schedule. In any case, online studies will take time, so be sure to reserve enough time in your schedule. For more detailed information about the practical implementation of each course, contact the teacher of the course concerned.