Study Module

Educational Sciences in Open UAS

Studies in Open UAS

Are you interested in teaching and training, or aiming to become a professional teacher? Maybe you need educational understanding in your work? Study Educational Sciences with us! 

Apply 14.4. - 18.5.2025
Nainen lähikuvassa tietokoneella projektitilassa.
Product scope
12 credits
Application period
14.04.2025 - 18.05.2025
Educational Sciences
Field of study
Teaching and education
Study modes
Online studies
180 €

Integrating Educational sciences into Professional teacher education studies

By completing the Educational sciences (12 ECTS) at the Open University of Applied Sciences (UAS), you can earn application points when you apply for the professional teacher education program (60 ECTS credits). If you are accepted to study with us, the completed studies can be credited as part of your teacher studies at Jamk School of Professional Teacher Education.

Educational understanding for your work

Learning is constantly present in the workplace. Educational sciences studies are beneficial when you want to understand better professional competence and learning, as well as develop your teaching and guidance skills. Understanding learning as a phenomenon also helps in personnel development tasks and management. Educational sciences expertise can be utilized, for example, in orientation tasks.

These studies also support the reflection on professional identity. By completing the Educational sciences studies, you can explore whether you are interested in the field of teaching and education, and whether you would like to pursue a career as a Professional teacher in the future.

Explore learning and the future of education - study fully online!

The Educational sciences studies are conducted as online studies. They are based on independent work with materials and learning tasks. The studies include online guidance and three webinar meetings. The orientation webinar will cover the study module and its contents. The two guidance webinars will address questions related to learning tasks. In these webinars, you will have the opportunity to receive peer comments from other students and guidance from instructors.

The Educational Sciences Studies consist of two study modules:

Understanding Learning, 6 Cr

The Future of Education, 6 Cr

More information about applying

Minna Demirel

Koulutuskoordinaattori, Education Coordinator
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education