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Marja Palovaara's article: Developing Gerontological Nursing Education in China through Multidisciplinary Innovations
The three Chinese higher education institutions (HEIs) in the GeNEdu consortium are currently developing new, competence-based courses to educate competent gerontological nurses.
Welcome to the first issue of GeNEdu news! GeNEdustands for Developing Multidisciplinary Innovations inGerontological Nursing Education in China.
A 30-ECTS module adapted for the training of gerontological nursing professionals in China was developed through the GeNEdu project after the joint development of the competence framework.
Curriculum development and the 30-ECTS modules in gerontological nursing at the Chinese partner institutions.
“Competences for the new era of user-driven digital rehabilitation” (DIRENE) -project is aiming to advance digital competences of teachers, students and professionals in the field of
Ethiopia is the second most populous nation in Africa and the fastest growing economy in the region. TVET sector supports job-specific skills that are relevant in all parts of Ethiopia, in which vast majority of inhabitants live in rural areas.
On the 15th November 2021, Kathmandu University organized the EATHEN Project dissemination meeting with the Ambassador of Finland, His Excellency Mr. Pertti Anttinen and the officials from the Finnish Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal.
New approaches in rehabilitation through digital technologies
GeNEdu blog: A Letter to celebrate the moment of our mid conference.
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