Natural Resources and Environment

In the field of Natural resources and Environment we offer our students versatile knowledge in domestic animal production, crop farming, forestry, environmental care, renewable energy, and new technologies of agribusiness.

Agrology studies

In the field of Natural resources and Environment we offer our students versatile knowledge in domestic animal production, crop farming, forestry, environmental care, renewable energy, and new technologies of agribusiness.

Agrologist graduates find challenging and inspiring jobs to develop the countryside!

In the midst of Finland close to the nature

The Institute of Bioeconomy is situated in Bioeconomy Campus in Saarijärvi which is an energetic and exceptionally scenic city in Northern Central Finland. The premises of the Institute and the campus offer our students a diverse learning environment close to the nature.


Jamk is a developer of business and promoter of export activity within bioeconomy. It creates new material economy and circular economy saving natural resources. Several areas of expertise are connected to bioeconomy.

Natural resources and the environment courses in Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences

Jamk Open UAS offers courses in all Jamk's fields of study. Take your pick from the course groups, study paths and individual courses available. Note, that the lecture delivery methods vary - some courses have morning lectures, some focus on evenings and weekends, and some courses are even taught completely online! 

Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences offering

Contact us

Minna Lappalainen

Johtaja Biotalousinstituutti, Director Institute of Bioeconomy
Biotalousinstituutti, Institute of Bioeconomy
Teknologia, School of Technology