
Developing Gerontological Nursing Education in China through Multidisciplinary Innovations – article in Gerontologia Vol 36 Nro 1 (2022)

Jamk Senior Lecturer Marjo Palovaara, the Academic Project Manager of GeNEdu, recently wrote about the project in the Finnish scientific periodical “Gerontologia”, which showcases research and development activities and literature from the field of gerontology as well as offers a platform for discussion and critique.

Marjo’s article summarizes the background and purpose of the project as well as gives a brief overview of the competence framework and curriculum development of the 30 ECTS gerontological nursing modules and the Living Labs. The next steps of the project are presented as starting the implementation of the developed modules, testing the Living Labs, and further training of the Chinese mentor teachers.  


Palovaara, M. (2022). Kiinalaisen gerontologisen sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen kehittäminen monitieteisillä innovaatioilla. Gerontologia, 36(1), 104–107. (article in Finnish only)

Read more about the GeNEdu project here!