
GeNEdu News: Curriculum development and the 30-ECTS modules in gerontological nursing at the Chinese partner institutions

By the end of 2021, the curriculum development work in the GeNEdu project has included the following steps:

  1. The competence framework developed for gerontological nursing education in China
  2. Constructing the common structure of the 30-ECTS module, consisting of 6 course structures applied to all three Chinese partner institutions
  3. Developing the institutional 30-ECTS modules (one module per each Chinese partner institution) with a localized syllabus based on each of the 6 course structures.

Step 1: The verified competence framework applied to the 30-ECTS module is presented below with the courses listed under each competence area:

Providing gerontological care:

  • Basics of Gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Home nursing and Rehabilitation in gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Advanced Gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Clinical practice in gerontological nursing, 6 ECTS

Communication and collaboration

  • Basics of Gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Health promotion in gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Home nursing and Rehabilitation in gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Project in gerontological nursing, 4 ECTS

Organisation of gerontological nursing care

  • Advanced Gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Project in gerontological nursing, 4 ECTS

Health promotion

  • Health promotion in gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Clinical practice in gerontological nursing, 6 ECTS

EBN and lifelong learning

  • Basics of Gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Health promotion in gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Advanced Gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Project in gerontological nursing, 4 ECTS

Professional behaviour

  • Home nursing and Rehabilitation in gerontological nursing, 5 ECTS
  • Clinical practice in gerontological nursing, 6 ECTS

Read more about the GeNEdu project here!

The recommended core course themes to be built for the 30-ECTS module in gerontological nursing in China are listed under the key competences mapped to each course theme. These themes have been jointly constructed by three Chinese partner institutions and the lead experts in EU partner institutions. The basis for proposing the themes was the research and activities conducted in work packages 2.1 (needs analysis; defining the competence framework) and 2.2 (EBN gap analysis; training programmes to develop Chinese teachers’ capacity in EBN & CBE). For each of the six course themes, there are common course structures (one for each theme) developed through work package 2.4 in spring 2021.

Step 2: Constructing a common structure of six core themes for the 30-ECTS module followed a continuous process rooted in the know-how of evidence- and competence-based nursing. The process was designed by EU project experts from Jamk and HUAS with altogether 13 project members from Chinese partner institutions participating.

The ADDIE model (Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation) was utilized throughout the process. Each course structure of the six core themes was described in line with EQF guidelines and includes the EBN ideology in competence-based education frame. Course structures include details of the mapped competences, learning outcomes, key contents, and evaluation criteria. All the activities were implemented through co-working meetings and workshops with the EU partners’ online support, as all Chinese members gathered in China and interacted with the EU experts online. Working methods adapted in the co-working meetings were adjusted case-by-case to suit the actual needs of the project team and to reach the set target of the process.

The actual flow of the process in 2021 is presented below:

The process successfully generated the common structure for the 30-ECTS module including six course structure files by summer 2021. It also formed a solid foundation for further project activities in syllabus work for autumn 2021.

Step 3: Each Chinese partner HEI developed their own localized syllabus for each course in accordance with the common structure during autumn 2021. The aim was to have the 30-ECTS module of each institution localized and ready for the actual pedagogical implementation starting from March 2022. The syllabus work was mainly carried out at each Chinese partner institution under the given guidelines from the EU experts. Checking, reviewing, discussing, and adjusting the draft syllabuses were the key words in this activity. By the end of 2021, the GeNEdu project reached the stage where in total three modules in gerontological nursing, consisting of 18 differenced courses (with the syllabuses), were ready for accreditation in early 2022. These localized modules are described below:


BH created a new 30-ECTS module in Gerontological Nursing which will be integrated into the existing Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Nursing at the Nursing College of BH. The Module consists of 6 courses, out of which three are completely new and three updated.

New courses:

  1. Theme “Health promotion in gerontological nursing” è The localized course will be named as “Promotion to healthy ageing”
  2. Theme “Home nursing and rehabilitation in gerontological nursing” è The localized course will be named as “Gerontological rehabilitation nursing”
  3. Theme “Project in gerontological nursing” è The localized course will be named as “Project-based nursing innovation for the age perfect”

Updated courses:

  1. Theme “Basics of gerontological nursing” è The localized course will be named as “Gerontological Nursing”
  2. Advanced gerontological nursing
  3. Clinical practice in gerontological nursing



GDMU created a new 30-ECTS module in Gerontological Nursing which will be integrated into the existing Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Nursing, Specialization of Gerontological Nursing at the School of Nursing College of GDMU. The Module consists of 6 courses, out of which one is completely new and five updated.

New course:

  1. Project in gerontological nursing

Updated courses:

  1. Basics of gerontological nursing
  2. Health promotion in gerontological nursing
  3. Home nursing and rehabilitation in gerontological nursing
  4. Advanced gerontological nursing
  5. Clinical practice in gerontological nursing



GHSC created a new 30-ECTS module in Gerontological Nursing which will be integrated into the existing Diploma programme in Nursing at the Nursing Department of GHSC. The Module consists of 6 courses, out of which two are completely new and four updated.

New courses:

  1. Theme in “Health promotion in gerontological nursing” è The localized course name will be “Gerontological health management”
  2. Project in gerontological nursing

Updated courses:

  1. Basics of gerontological nursing
  2. Home nursing and rehabilitation in gerontological nursing
  3. Theme in “Advanced gerontological nursing” è The localized course name will be “Gerontological nursing”
  4. Clinical practice in gerontological nursing


The next step in the curriculum development kicks off in early 2022 as the localized syllabuses go through the institutional accreditation of each Chinese partner institution respectively. Immediately after the accreditation, the new courses will be implemented with the aim of at least twenty students per each partner institution studying the modules every year.