
The Jamk Alumni Community connects Jamk University of Applied Sciences graduates with each other and with the university. You have spend memorable years on Jamk campuses. We encourage you to be a proud Jamk Alumni for life!

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Join our Alumni Commmunity
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Jamk Alumni in LinkedIn
Student and Alumni Stories
Student and Alumni Stories

Alumni Stories

Alumni story

From Physiotherapist to Entrepreneur

Martti Myllymäki, a graduate of Jamk, has followed a unique path to entrepreneurship. Martti considers his most important asset to be his extensive support network, which includes entrepreneurial partners, close friends and business partners.

Alumni story

The work of an information security officer is continuous learning

Jari Liesoja is an information security officer who believes in continuous learning. During his career spanning almost 30 years, Jari says he has completed dozens of different short courses to maintain his skills. Eventually, the rapidly developing field of information technology made Jari yearn for more comprehensive education to develop his skills.

Alumni story

Sulaymon Tajudeen's International Business Alumni Story

Sulaymon Tajudeen is International Business Alumnus from Jamk (2016). He believes in possibilities in face of challenges. His personal motto is "Never lose hope and keep pushing”. Read Tajudeen's inspiring Alumni Story!

Alumni story

Felix Dorscht's International Business Alumni Story

Felix Dorscht has a background in finance and sales. His path led him to getting a business degree in Finland. Apart from widening his knowledge, studying at Jamk helped to create a social network in a new and often weird country.

Alumni story

Lilli Luoma-aho is Jamk's Alumni of the Year 2023

Jamk's Alumni of the Year 2023, Hotel Manager Lilli Luoma-aho, an expert in the tourism and customer service industry, warmly recommends hospitality management studies and the diverse work tasks offered by the education.

Alumni story

International Business as a Path to Finland. Aleksandr Dzharatov's Alumni Story

BBA, alumnus Aleksandr Dzharatov states: “Moving to a new country is never an easy step to take, especially when you are a fresh high school graduate". It is how his own journey from Turkmenistan to Finland started - but how has his path continued?

Join Jamk events!


Back to Campus Weeks

Hello, fellow members of Jamk - students and faculty members alike! Welcome to our back to campus weeks to really get to know our campuses, and all the possibilities they provide.


Back to Campus festival

The opening of the 2024-2025 academic year will once again be celebrated in Back to Campus festival style! The event is open to all our students and staff.


Cantinovum & Jyväskylä female choir - joined concert 29.9.

Cantinovum and Jyväskylä female choir are joining forces again at autumn! We have planned fresh new selection that should not be missed!

Jamk Alumni Team is here for You!

Tytti Pintilä

Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Koulutuksen kehittämispalvelut, Educational Development Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Jaana Ahlqvist

Palveluvastaava, Service coordinator
Jatkokoulutukset, Further Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Soile Korhonen

Koulutussuunnittelija, Education Planner
Liiketalous, Business Administration
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Tuula Kotikoski

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
IT-Instituutti, Institute of Information Technology
Teknologia, School of Technology

Niko Nyqvist

Koulutussuunnittelija, Education Planner
Musiikki, Music
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Marika Puttonen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
HYVI Terveysala, Health Studies
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Janne Roiha

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Yrittäjyys ja innovaatio, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Annemari Sinikorpi

Viestintäsuunnittelija, Communication Designer
Teknologian kehittämispalvelut, Technology Development Services
Teknologia, School of Technology

Suvi Skantz

Viestintäsuunnittelija, Communication Designer
Teknologian kehittämispalvelut, Technology Development Services
Teknologia, School of Technology

Nina Viertorinne

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Liiketalous, Business Administration
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Alumni Register

After graduation, you become a member of Jamk's extensive alumni network 

  • In order to serve you also after graduation, your contact information will be attached to Jamk alumni' contact register
  • As a member of the alumni network, you will receive information about various alumni benefits and events in an alumni newsletter sent six times a year. 
  • You can specify what kind of cooperation you are interested in
  • If you want your data deleted from the alumni register, you can also do so from the link in the newsletter. 
  • Additional information: Alumni Relations Specialist Tytti Pintilä,  alumni(at)