Degree Student

Accessibility and Individual Special Arrangements

Everyone is entitled to equal study environment. You can progress in your studies according to plan even if you have dyslexia, an illness or a disability, issues with mental health, a different language or cultural background or other difficulties concerning studies.

You will receive support and guidance in your studies, and you can apply for individual special arrangements to support you in your studies. Do as follows:

1. Booking an appointment

Book an appointment with your study counsellor.

2. Statements or other documents

Please bring any statements or other documents with you to the meeting (e.g. proof of dyslexia, a statement by a doctor or a psychologist).

3. Meeting

The purpose of the meeting is to plan a individual special arrangement to support you in your studies, such as:

  • added time to complete exams
  • added time to hand in written assignments
  • a quiet room for taking exams
  • a lighter version of the personal learning plan (PLP)
  • courses and groups providing study support
  • receiving study materials from the teacher in advance
  • using the Celia library

4. Forward Guidance

If necessary, the study counsellor will refer you to a study psychologist, dyslexia testing or student healthcare to determine your situation.

5. Application for individual special arrangements

You will be drafting an application for individual special arrangements together with the study counsellor. The application form can be found in the link below.

6. Decision

The head of programme shall make a decision on your study arrangements, after which you will be informed of the decision via email.

7. Study arrangements in practice

To gain access to these study arrangements during a specific course, you need to inform the teacher before the start of the course. If you have been granted writing support or additional teaching from the Language Center, first contact the manager of the Language Center.

8. Problem situations

If you are experiencing problems, please contact the study counsellor.

Individual Special Arrangement for EduFutura students

If your EduFutura institution (Gradia or the University of Jyväskylä) has identified a need for special support that requires individual special arrangements during your studies, you only need to show the document (statement, decision or recommendation) from your own institution to the teacher of the course you are attending. This document will help you get the arrangements you need for individualised support.

Support Services and Facilities

Jamk's services

Accessibility is taken into account in Jamk's services and facilities. Jamk’s library helps students in the search for information and the library services (Borrow, Renew, Reserve website) can be useful to students at different stages of their studies (for example the Thesis Sauna). International Services provide students with information about international studies and practical training. Please see the links below. Student Services serve and support students throughout the studying process.

Celia audio books

The Celia Library is a free audio book service intended to aid students who find it challenging to read regular books. Audio books can be ordered by bachelor’s degree and master’s degree students and students of the Open Studies path who have difficulties reading regular books due to dyslexia, disability, illness or another similar reason. The service offers both ready-made books and course books made on demand, in Finnish and in English.

If you require the services of the Celia library, you should contact the library’s Celia contact person (kirjasto(at) or the library’s customer service.

Facility Accessibility and Parking

The premises of the university of applied sciences are barrier-free regarding mobility, excluding one meeting space in the Main Campus (F413). The restaurants are barrier-free, and special diets are taken into account.  The libraries are barrier-free. 

Induction Loops

The auditoriums Tulikari (D205) and Valjakka (FP05) and student restaurant on the Main Campus and Dynamo’s auditorium in Lutakko have induction loops. You can borrow an induction loop at the information desk of the Main Campus as well as Dynamo.

For more information about the accessibility of Jamk’s facilities and plans concerning them, contact Facility services. Contact details can be found on the bottom of the page.

Further information

Further information

Contact your unit's study counsellor for more information. You can find their contact information on the Study Guidance and Guidance Staff page.

Library contact person in matters concerning barrier-free access

Sirpa Warteva

Kirjastonhoitaja, Librarian
Kirjasto, Library
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Contact person in Facility Services

Ulla Mäntylä

Palvelupäällikkö, Facility Services Manager
Toimitilapalvelut, Facility Services
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

The Board Member Responsible for Social Policy, Student Union JAMKO


+358 45 3194 905