Accessibility in Exchanges

It is possible to go on exchange regardless of injury, chronic illness or some other impediment.

Accessibility grant is meant for students and staff members who have special needs and need additional funding to take part in mobility programmes organised by the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI).

Who can apply for the accessibility grant?

A person going on exchange can require accessibility services because of, for instance, a disability, illness or learning difficulties. The tailored arrangements are meant to support the studies and everyday life of the exchange student or staff member: housing, mobility, possibility to participate in free time activities, health and well-being. As the need and nature of support varies from one person to another, each case is reviewed individually.

The accessibility grant can be applied for

•    student exchange for studies or practical training

•    teacher or staff exchange

•    intensive courses

•    network meetings

It is possible to apply for the accessibility grant in Erasmus+, Nordplus, Asia, north2north and TFK programmes.

In the TFK, Nordplus and Asia programmes applications are made to EDUFI via the Finnish partner institution, in this case Jamk, both for outgoing and incoming students and staff members. In the Erasmus+ programme only the outgoing students and staff members apply for the accessibility grant via Jamk from EDUFI. The incoming Erasmus+ students and staff members apply for the accessibility grant from their home institutions or the national Erasmus+ agency in their country of residence. 

How to apply?

Arrangements concerning the accessibility grant should be started as soon as possible before the exchange period, 6 months before departure at the latest. Acquiring information and confirming the special arrangements at the destination can take a long time.

Students with special needs apply for exchange within Jamk’s application periods.

  • Further information about applying for incoming exchange and double degree students can be found on our Exchange and Double Degree Student pages.
  • Further information about applying for the outgoing exchange and double degree students can be found in the student intra section Internationalisation through studies (Jamk logins required)
  • Staff members contact International Services in person when planning to participate in a teacher or staff exchange in the programmes mentioned above

It is important that the student or staff member contacts International Services in person to let them know the needs regarding accessibility and special arrangements.

The actual accessibility grants have a rolling deadline. The application is done with a separate application form in which the student/staff member and the Finnish partner institution, in this case Jamk, each fill in their own sections. The filled in application form is delivered to the International Services at Jamk.

The International Services delivers the applications to EDUFI where each case is processed individually, as the need and nature of support varies from case to case. EDUFI makes the decisions concerning the accessibility grants.

Provided that the application is successful, EDUFI awards the grant to Jamk, which then forwards the grant to the applicant.

Use the checklist

EDUFI and the Finnish ESOK network (Higher Education Access & Disability) have compiled a checklist to be used by students needing special arrangements.

Students/staff members should play the key role in expressing their needs regarding accessibility and special arrangements needed.

The points listed in this document are recommendations, and higher education institutions and exchange partners may use and modify the list according to their own needs.

The check list and application form as well as student stories can be found on the EDUFI website.

More information about options within internationalisation

Whether you are planning on applying to Jamk, or already a student of ours, "Internationalisation through studies" gives you an overview of students' internationalisation possibilities. Detailed instructions on the application process for studies and practical training abroad can be found in the student intra.

Jamk staff can read more about Erasmus+ staff mobility and going on a work trip abroad in the staff intra.