Research permit
A research permit is always required if the research subjects are the employees, students, representatives or members of Jamk. A research permit is also required for research projects that require the disclosure of information pertaining to Jamk University of Applied Sciences or its staff and students.

Priority is given to extensive national surveys and studies, as well as research concerning the entire university of applied sciences. The research must benefit Jamk University of Applied Sciences, and it should be conducted in collaboration with the Jamk University of Applied Sciences staff.
When must a research permit be applied for?
- If the research subjects are the employees, students, representatives or members of Jamk (regardless of the research method)
- When data from Jamk’s personal data file is requested
- When using Jamk´s archive materials for research purposes
- When using materials produced by a student for research purposes (no permit is required for Jamk’s internal development work)
- Jamk's internal development work does not require a permit if it does not involve other research activities (e.g. publications).
- If the research is related to an external funding project to which Jamk has already committed, please contact us before applying for a possible research permit. In principle, commitment to research is made when Jamk is committed to the project.
With regard to the staff, only work e-mail addresses will be disclosed, or the survey will be organised via the staff Intranet.
With regard to students, we recommend that the survey will be organised via Jamk’s web-based learning environment (Moodle) or student Intranet. Otherwise only the contact information of students who have permitted the disclosure of their information for research purposes in the basic details of the student administration system will be disclosed.
An exception to the release of students' information is scientific research conducted by Jamk researchers, for which the data of other than those who have given consent can justifiably be released. If necessary, you can inquire about the information to be disclosed before applying for permit by email or using the form on this page.
The procedure instructions for granting a research permit are based on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, the Act on the Openness of Government Activities and the Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life.
The processing time of the application is approximately two to three weeks.
Note! If you do not do a thesis at Jamk and you might need a research permit, please contact us first using the form at the bottom of the page.
Rules concerning the research permit
The research permit applicant must commit to the following rules:
- The research permit applicant commits to processing and storing the information received carefully and in compliance with valid laws, regulations, instructions from the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and Jamk’s rules concerning the research permit.
- The information received may only be used for the purposes stated in the application and its appendices.
- The information may not be disclosed or resold. Transferring personal data outside the EU and the EEA is not allowed without the data subject’s consent.
- Information may not be transferred or processed in an open network, e.g. by e-mail.
- Information may not be used to the detriment of the data subject or Jamk University of Applied Sciences.
- The conductors of the research are to take care of sufficient information provision to the research participants, access rights and other research-related agreements. The conductor of the research is to ensure that the data subject’s rights are fulfilled.
- Any identifiable information received is to be stored no longer than necessary. Personal data may only be stored for as long as is necessary for carrying out the processing. The applicant is responsible for deleting the personal data after the basis for the processing expires. The applicant commits to deleting any identifiable information received from the data file in a secure manner immediately after the research has been completed.
- The conductor of the research is to take care of their own data safety, passwords and user management. The conductor of the research is also to ensure that the technical and organisational procedures meet the requirements set for processing personal data.
- Any privacy violations and misuse must be reported to Jamk University of Applied Sciences without delay.
- The applicant(s) shall be independently responsible for any damage and compensation for damages to external parties.
- The applicant(s) shall notify the grantor of the research permit if the research is suspended.
Fees collected
If the research permit involves the transfer of archival or registry data, the transfer based on the research permit application may be subject to a fee. The fee depends on the amount of data to be transferred.
- The hourly rate is €50, with a minimum charge of €150. This includes the processing fee, data delivery, and the possible organization of a survey on Jamk's intranet or online learning environment.
- Additional fees include the purchase of address data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency if address data needs to be updated.
For the transfer of other data required for research, pricing is agreed on a case-by-case basis. Any fees are also agreed on a case-by-case basis if the research is conducted in collaboration with Jamk staff. Jamk University of Applied Sciences will issue an invoice upon data transfer.
No Fee Charged
- No fee is charged to Jamk students for the transfer of data needed for studies and research (thesis).
- No fee is charged to Jamk staff for the transfer of data needed for projects or research related to projects.
- If a fee waiver has been separately agreed upon.
You can inquire about possible fees using the form at the bottom of the page if necessary.
Research permit applications
Research permit applications and appendices required for the applications.
Appendices required for the application:
- Approved research plan (obligatory)
- Data management plan (obligatory)
- Ethical review: attached to the application if carried out. Read the instructions from the intranet.
- Scientific research privacy statement: obligatory if a personal data-based research file is formed or disclosure of data from Jamk’s personal data file is requested. Read the instructions and download the template from Jamk's intranet.
- Data protection impact assessment (DPIA): obligatory if the research involves processing (sensitive) personal data belonging to special categories of personal data or if the research subjects cannot be informed directly of the processing of personal data for some reason, e.g. due to the large number of research subjects in a register-based study.
Appendices required for the application:
- Data management plan (obligatory). Instructions and template from Jamk's Thesis guide.
- Thesis privacy statement: obligatory, if a personal data-based research file is formed in the research. Read instructions and load templates for thesis (intranet).
- Ethical review statement: obligatory, if the review is made. Applies only to master’s degree thesis, there can be no research setting in a bachelor's thesis that would require ethical review. You can find the instructions and form from the intranet.
Further information
- If a Jamk student uses the Webropol survey tool in their research, those collecting personal data must familiarise themselves with the principles of data protection and their effects on the implementation of surveys. The survey creator is always responsible for ensuring that the personal data is processed appropriately. Separate instructions for processing personal data in the Webropol survey program can be found on the ELMO Intranet (login required).
- Instructions for thesis and data protection; privacy notice for thesis (docx; ELMO Intranet, login required)
- Data management guidelines for Jamk's staff; data management guidelines for Jamk's students;
- Data protection law (in Finnish)
- Act on Information Management in Public Administration
- What is personal data? (The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman)
- Processing of personal data (The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman)
- The Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK)
- The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman