
Safka - Familiarising Food Chain to Young People

Project sponsors

Safkan jäljillä
Project type
Development project
Focus area
Sustainable Bioeconomy and Energy Solutions
Implementation time
1.10.2024 - 30.9.2026
Financing program
Finnish Food Authority
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description

Food production is covered superficially in primary school materials. The aim of the project is to strengthen the knowledge of food production among primary school age children, to raise awareness of the origin of food and to support the role of locally produced food as part of sustainable and healthy diet. The need to increase young people's understanding of the food system and its meaning is also important to increase the awareness of the industry as a potential profession.

The project plans and pilots operating models to help primary school teachers, guidance councelors and and students familiarise themselves with food production. Exploring takes place through field trips as well as virtual farm environments. The implementation model of the excursions takes into account the cooperation with regional actors, and, in addition, a model for the funding of the excursions is planned. The project activates regional actors to carry out study trips after the project. To support this, a ready-made communication material is produced.

The project improves knowledge of food production by providing up-to-date and verified information on the origin of food and the cultural, ecological, economical and nutritional role of agricuture in everyday life. The target group of the project is primary school 4-9th graders, teachers, guidance councelors and and teacher students, as well as farmers and local food entrepreneurs.

New teaching material on food production,produced by the project, open the local food production chain and the green transition of food production. The materials take into account information specifically aimed at teachers, so that they have the capacity to pass the information on to students. The material is assembled to ensure its up-to-dateness and impartiality in various aspects of food production, such as local food, sustainable plant and livestock production, technology and economy. The learning material and teacher support material are published on the open learning material website (

The project uses different channels in its communication and invests in communication aimed at teachers, so that the materials and opportunities produced by the project for the study trips become known nationally. The project collaborates with regional actors and builds networks to disseminate information.

The project is managed by Savonia University of Applied Sciences and co-executed by Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Education Centre Brahe and Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. The project will be implemented nationally.