RADIC - Rehabilitation for all through digital innovation and new competencies
Project sponsors
Project type
Focus area
Implementation time
1.3.2023 - 28.2.2026
Project unit
Financing program
Erasmus+ Key Action 2 2021-2027
Primary home page
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description
Rehabilitation for All through Digital Innovation and new Competences (RADIC) is Erasmus+ CBHE-funded project which started on 1.3.2023 and runs for three years. In addition to Jamk, our partners include HS Gesundheit from Germany, University of Rwanda ja University of Global Health and Equity from Rwanda, State University of Zanzibar and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College from Tanzania, and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology as well as Moi University from Kenya. The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards increased capacity of higher education to support and scale digital transformation in Eastern Africa, with the aim to ensure rehabilitation services for all.
An estimated 2.4 billion people globally are currently living with health conditions that benefit from rehabilitation. The digital transformation provides an opportunity to have more accessible and personalized model and system of rehabilitation in Eastern Africa.
Project specific objectives are:
1) Strengthened role of higher education in the promotion of rehabilitation in the society, including
innovation and business ecosystems,
2) Enhanced pedagogical opportunities and increased quality of education in Eastern Africa in digital
rehabilitation for the social, health and education sectors.
The project reaches the objectives through capacity building and development between the higher education and the working life, promoting on-going cooperation between the project programme and partner countries.
Project answers to the need to strategically leverage digital tools, technologies, and services in rehabilitation through educational development. Primary target groups of the project include teachers and professionals, students, and the working life. Other target groups include various professionals in social and health care, the business sector, rehabilitation clients, and the society at large. Persons benefitting directly from the project include 950 persons.
Through project activities, the outputs to be established are Eastern Africa Digital Rehabilitation Innovation Community (IC), enhancing the pedagogical competence/skills and increased knowledge of teachers and students related to digital rehabilitation, renewing partner institutions' curricula on multidisciplinary digital rehabilitation and increasing the awareness and understanding of digital rehabilitation among key stakeholders in Eastern Africa.
For more information:
Ms Kaisa Jokinen, specialist
Project Manager