
MUTKA - Muutoskyvykkyyttä ja työhyvinvointia yrityksille koronasta selviytymiseksi

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
1.10.2021 - 31.8.2023
Project unit
School of Professional Teacher Education
Financing program
European Social Fund (ESF)

Project results

MUTKA project (1.10.2021-31.8.2023) brought together 20 micro companies and small-sized enteprises operating in north Central Finland region and Jyväskylä, with a focus on enhancing their adaptability and well-being through developmental coachingprocess. 

During the developmental coaching period, these companies crafted well-being and development plans for themselves. These plans served as the foundation for experimenting with new thought and operational models that supported both ability to change and well-being. Throughout the coaching, entrepreneurs and companies acted as peers to each other, often as well as a tight developmental partners, which garnered significant praise from the entrepreneurs. This peer-based collaboration involved sharing common experiences, exchanging new business ideas, and discussing challenges and opportunities in the operational environment. 

As a result of the project, the companies experienced improved well-being and adaptability, established new networks, and enhanced the conditions for sustainable business operations. The project's impact was assessed using various qualitative and quantitative metrics, including interviews conducted with the companies both at the start and conclusion of the coaching period. 

More information:

Juha Hautanen

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Anna Leppäkorpi

Asiakkuuspäällikkö, Key Account Manager
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education