
LIPPA Ticket to ride from studies to work

The LIPPA project develops ICT education at the work-life interface and improves students' transition to working life.​​

Project sponsors

Nuori opiskelija
Project type
Development project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
1.5.2021 - 31.8.2023
Project unit
School of Professional Teacher Education
Financing program
European Social Fund (ESF)
Project description

Ticket to ride from studies to work 

Cooperation between higher education and companies is essential due to the rapid and continuous change in the ICT field and the changing competence needs of the sector. This cooperation can be characterised as partnership and a platform where diverse cooperation and competence development are carried out. It is an activity that naturally supports students' transition into the world of work. According to the latest studies, students have shortcomings in their generic skills, which are also connected with the progress and success of their studies.

Forms of cooperation between higher education institutions and companies have been developed for a long time. Despite this, the pace of change in the world of work requires continuous development of education and teaching personnel together with companies. This can be achieved, for example, by making use of the opportunities offered by the studification of work. 

The project is funded by the European Social Fund and implemented by the JAMK IT Institute and the School of Professional Teacher Education from 1 May 2021 to 31 August 2023. The project develops ICT training at the interface of business and educational institution, improving students' transition into the world of work. 

The project's development measures are targeted at:  

  1. enhancing the teachers' cooperation with companies and their guidance skills to prepare the students for work  
  2. supporting the work skills of higher education students at the interface of business and educational institution  
  3. strengthening cooperation between ICT companies and educational institutions with on the job learning  
  4. teaching solutions and support to promote the transition into the business life after studies. 

The target groups are JAMK's ICT teachers, specialists and degree students. The indirect target groups are company personnel, JAMK personnel and students. 

Key outputs of the project 

  1. teachers' capacity to work together with companies to promote learning and streamline transitions has increased 
  2. educational cooperation between education providers and ICT employers has developed and increased 
  3. the students' work skills and capabilities to transition into the world of work at the end of their studies have improved 
  4. the correlation between UAS education and the business world has increased, and the relevance of the education has improved. 

During the project, cooperation between ICT companies and universities of applied sciences will be reinforced. Teachers trained during the project will carry out pilots of the light and repeatable studification models developed during the project. Additionally, the functionality of the Walk Ins will be assessed and considered whether they can be continued after the project, and if that would be desirable. 

For more information: 

Annu Niskanen, Project Manager

[email protected]

Project results

In LIPPA project Jamk's ICT teachers were trained to recognize the possibilities of integrating work into studies, in addition to guidance skills and corporate cooperation. The trial of higher education-based work integration was carried out as student projects, where 16 student teams (100 students) developed a prototype of a software service on the Future Factory (IT) course, which can be used to map the skills and work-life skills needed in working life. A total of 12 Central Finnish SMEs were coaching the students' work-life skills. This operating model can increase dialogue between working life and educational institutions.

The LIPPA project involved 21 Central Finnish companies. The cooperation between companies and educational institutions was strengthened through company interviews, company visits, speeches by company representatives, and events. In cooperation, tools and activities supporting the acquisition of work-life skills and industry knowledge were also developed. Work-life events and visits supported networking with companies for students at a low threshold and, for example, finding internships. Students were able to discuss informally with workplace representatives and even practice job interviews. Friction removal events were felt to have removed 'friction' from the employment path of students and recent graduates, as the name suggests. Similar events will be organized in the future as part of the Relaamo activities of Jamk's ICT students. 

For students, work-life projects offer an understanding of their own professional identity, teamwork skills, and other skills necessary in the field's work-life. In the LIPPA project, targeted guidance was offered to ICT students whose graduation was at risk as the end of their study right approached. Over 50 such students were reached in the spring semester of 2023. Of them, 22 managed to complete their studies by the summer of the same year, and about half made a plan to continue their studies. Personal or small group guidance helped students who were 'in overtime'. From a student's perspective, even small guidance measures and resources can have a big impact.


Future Factory (IT) Final seminar on 18.4.2023

Read more and join the seminar! 

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More information:

Annu Niskanen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education