KasvisPro Edu – Enhancing Professional Skills in the Use of Vegetarian Food and Plant Proteins
Project sponsors

KasvisPro Edu project strengthens the expertise in vegetarian food within vocational education and professional kitchens by providing training, compiling educational materials to be easily accessible and usable, and networking vocational education and kitchens for development cooperation with companies producing plant-based products. The project utilizes the experiences and materials from the KasvisPro training project, which received positive feedback from food services.
KasvisPro Edu – Enhancing Professional Skills in the Use of Vegetarian Food and Plant Proteins aims to:
1. Strengthen the expertise of food industry educators and trainers, as well as professional kitchen staff, in the versatile use of vegetables, plant proteins, and plant-based products, including organic products, and in customer-oriented product development and acceptability of vegetarian dishes.
2. Improve the availability, accessibility, and usability of training, advisory, and communication materials related to these themes for professionals.
3. Increase cooperation between professional kitchens, vocational education, and companies producing plant-based products.
Key actions include:
- Training sessions to enhance vegetarian food expertise in vocational education,
- Developing product solutions through systematic cooperation,
- Compiling materials related to vegetarian food, plant proteins, and the use of organic products, refining them into different language versions, and communicating about them,
- Administration and coordination.
The project involves representatives from vocational education, students, professional kitchens, companies producing plant proteins and organic products, and industry organizations.
Implementation period: November 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026.
Implementers: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Ltd – Xamk (coordinator), Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Ltd (SeAMK), Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences Ltd (Jamk), and Professional Kitchen Experts Association (Amko).
The KasvisPro Edu project is a continuation of the KasvisPro training project. You can explore the materials produced in KasvisPro here:
For more information contact:
Jamk project manager:
Suvi-Tuulia Leinonen
[email protected]
Xamk project manager:
Piia Mikonsaari
[email protected]