
Integrating RDI with teaching and learning at Universities of Applied Sciences

Project sponsors

Project type
Research project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
1.10.2023 - 30.11.2024
Project unit
School of Professional Teacher Education
Financing program
Ministry of Education and Culture
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description

The TKIO project aims to develop and investigate the integration of RDI and teaching and learning in the universities of applied sciences. 

The goal is to integrate RDI and learning to support cooperation between the universities of applied sciences, regional enterprises, and other stakeholders, as well as joint knowledge building in the region, in addition to strengthening students' attachment to the world of work already during their studies. 

TKIO project aims 
  • to identify how UAS articulates TKIO and how it is positioned and defined in their strategies. 
  • to examine the perspective of UAS staff on the integration of RDI and learning and teaching: how RDI is perceived in their work, what promotes and what hinders the integration of RDI and teaching. 


The project is led by The Schools of Professional Teacher Education from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Other collaborators are The Schools of Professional Teacher Education at OAMK, TAMK, Jamk, and HAMK Edu. 

The project is funded by Ministry of Education and Culture. 


The project will be implemented between 10/2023 and 11/2024. 

Project results

The TKIO project aimed to develop and investigate the integration of RDI
and teaching and learning in the universities of applied sciences (UAS). 

goal was to integrate RDI and learning to support cooperation between
the universities of applied sciences, regional enterprises, and other
stakeholders, as well as the joint knowledge building in the region, in
addition to strengthening students' attachment to the world of work
already during their studies. 

The objectives were as follows:
  • to identify how universities of applied sciences articulate  the integration of RDI and
    learning and teaching (In Finnish: TKIO)
  • to
    examine the perspective of UAS staff on the integration of RDI and
    learning and teaching: how RDI is perceived in their work, what promotes
    and what hinders the integration of RDI and teaching. 


The project is funded by Ministry of Education and Culture.

Publications and presentations (in Finnish):
Kilja, P., Korento, K.,
Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Alanko-Turunen, M., Tapani, A., Vähäsantanen, K.
& Kanninen, S. 2024. Ammattikorkeakoulujen TKI-työn ja opetuksen
integrointi -yhdessä enemmän TKIO. Oamk Journal 108/2024.

S., Vähäsantanen, K., Tapani, A., Alanko-Turunen, M., Kunnari, I.,
Korento K., Kilja, P., &  Kanninen, S. TKI-opetusintegraatio
ammattikorkeakoulussa: Henkilöstön ääni. (lähetetty)

S. & Kanninen, S. TKI:n ja opetuksen integraatio: Karikoita ja
hyviä käytäntöjä Jamkissa. (käsikirjoitus ArenaProhon)

A. (2024). Kytkeytymisiä ja käytänteitä – kohti entistä laadukkaampaa
TKIO-toimintaa. Tamkin julkaisut 20.5.2024.

Alanko-Turunen, M., Korento, K.
Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Vähäsantanen, K., Tapani, A., Kunnari, I., Kilja,
P. &  Kanninen, S. (2024). Monena näyttäytyvä TKIO – kajastuksia ja
karikoita AMK-henkilöstön kokemana. (Suullinen esitys AMK ja
ammatillisen koulutuksen tutkimuspäivillä 7-8.11.2024, Helsinki)

K., Tapani, A., Alanko-Turunen, M., Korento, K. Laitinen-Väänänen, S.,
Kunnari, I., Kilja, P. &  Kanninen, S. (2024). (Suullinen esitys
Kasvatustieteenpäivillä 21.-22.2024, Turku)

Laitinen-Väänänen, S. (2024) TKIO. Esitys Jamkin TKI johtoryhmässä 19.11.2024. (Esitys pyydettäessä)


Vocational teacher colleges seek solutions for more effective integration of RDI activities and teaching. Original news in Finnish: Ammatilliset opettajakorkeakoulut etsivät ratkaisuja TKI-toiminnan ja opetuksen tehokkaampaan integroimiseen 


Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen

Johtava tutkija, Principal Researcher
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education