
Increasing knowledge and expertise about peatland forestry -project

Project sponsors

Täsmäsuo 1
Project type
Development project
Focus area
Sustainable Bioeconomy and Energy Solutions
Implementation time
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Project unit
School of Technology
Financing program
Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description
The goal of Increasing knowledge and expertise about peatland forestry -project is to promote sustainable,
acceptable and feasible peatland forestry in Central Finland. This goal can be achieved by promoting peatland forestry which decreases greenhouse gas emissions, enhances carbon storage and supports diversity as well as water conservation.
By taking these aspects into account, the forestry based entrepreneurship and business can continue to prosper and diversify in the future in Central Finland. The guideline of the project is to provide information and expertise for land owners and professionals working on peatlands as well as for the general public interested in the topic.

Project initiatives:
Discussing development of peatland forestry in an inclusive expert college
Setting the objects of observation for peatland forestry and assembling a tutorial about these
Providing advice for peatland owners and forestry professionals in Central Finland
Arranging education for harvester drivers about working on peatlands

More information: 
Jamk: Helena Reiman, 050 473 8811
SMK: Esa Kinnunen, 040 062 4257
Poke: Pekka Janhonen, 040 0542 031
Mhy Karstula-Kyyjärvi, 040 035 8687

Project results

Results of the Work Packages Managed by Jamk

WP2 Communication and Interaction

The goal of the project's communication was to convey the latest research results on peatland forest management clearly, interestingly, pluralistically, and through multiple channels.

A communication plan was created for the project, and communication was carried out on the websites and channels of all implementers. Forest owners were communicated with through familiar channels such as print media, radio, and emails. Forestry professionals were also reached via email.

As a result, a series of five podcasts was produced for Radio KSML.

WP3 Collegium

The collegium's task was to engage in pluralistic discussions about peatland forests. The collegium was also responsible for making clarifications and policy proposals for the project's work plan, including communication, capacity building, studies, and initiatives.

The collegium's action plan was approved at the first meeting. During the project, six meetings and two field trips were held, and participation in FinnMetko2024 was achieved. Each meeting also included an external presentation and workshop/discussion related to the project's theme. In the last three meetings, the collegium addressed the development proposals that were project objectives.

WP5 Background Studies and Development Proposals

The goal of this work package was to conduct 2-3 studies related to peatland forests in Central Finland. Possible study topics included the economic impacts of different harvesting levels in Central Finland's peatland forests, carbon balances, future uses of peatland forests, and the possibilities of continuous cover forestry in Central Finland.

Three theses were completed in the project:

1. The impacts of continuous cover forestry on wood procurement and logistics in the Central Finland area. Marianne Reinikka, Master's degree in Agrology.
2. Promoting sustainable use of peatland forests among young private forest owners, Milja Lahdenvesi, Bachelor's degree in Agrology.
3. Continuous cover forestry, Bachelor's degree in Agrology, Jani Heinänen.

WP6 Production of Information and Communication Materials

The project's goal was to disseminate information, which required diverse and interesting information and communication materials.

As a result, story maps, live broadcasts of events, print brochures for forest owners and machine operators, and videos were produced. The results included a series of six observation sites in Saarijärvi Haana and their story maps online: Changing management of peatland forests, Ash fertilization, Continuous cover forestry, Passive restoration, Upper thinning, Small gap harvesting. 

Täsmäsuo Project description