AIRe - Platform Digitaalisen kuntoutuksen alusta
Project sponsors
Project type
Focus area
Implementation time
1.8.2022 - 31.12.2024
Project unit
Financing program
Business Finland
Primary home page
UN Sustainable development goals
Project description
AIRe-Platform is an innovative public procurement project of that addresses the growing need for rehabilitation worldwide through digital rehabilitation. The aim is to build an intelligent platform that works as a simulation and development environment for digital rehabilitation. The platform will be designed in collaboration with industry stakeholders, technology companies, end-users and a multidisciplinary team of experts from the Institute of Rehabilitation.
The core intelligences that will be built into the platform will enable the assessment of service users' functioning based on individual needs with the help of an interactive AI. When the assessment is done, the platform will be able to guide and suggest suitable and meaningful services to the service user. The functionalities of the platform will form a coherent service path for the user with integrated and interoperable services, which support the participation and agency of the rehabilitation service user at different stages of rehabilitation.
The development of the platform is based on a human-centered design, taking into account the various needs and contexts of service users. The core system is uses open source code, open interfaces and open data content. The functionalities will be designed to be easily deployed, independent and interchangeable in terms of the technologies used.
The project will be implemented through the innovation partnership method, which can be used if there are no solutions available on the market that meet the desired requirements. The procurement process has several phases, and the dialogue with potential suppliers starts well in advance, during the pre-procurement phase. During the actual development phase, the selected innovation partner develops a solution that best meets the requirements set for the platform.
By participating in this type of partnership, the selected supplier can gain a competitive advantage and growth opportunities. The objectives of procurement support the creation of new innovations and strengthen internationalisation, regional vitality, and competitiveness, as well as knowledge growth. Innovative partnerships can contribute to the creation of long-term partnerships.
The project duration is from August 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024 and it is funded by Business Finland.