news 1.2.2021

JAMK's rector and student union JAMKO appeal to students in deteriorating corona situation

JAMK's rector Jussi Halttunen and the chairperson of the board of the student union JAMKO remind that students now have a considerable responsibility in preventing the spread of corona infections. Students should behave responsibly in their free time as well, so that the situation does not deteriorate further.

The deteriorating coronavirus situation has been monitored with concern at JAMK University of Applied Sciences. The city of Jyväskylä has shifted from the acceleration phase of the corona to the spreading phase, and infections are now spreading rapidly among young people. Large groups of infections have originated from student parties and other free time activities.

JAMK has tightened its restrictions and organised all the teaching online, but JAMK’s power and influence does not extend to students' free time.

"Students themselves have the responsibility and means to make a difference. Short-sighted decisions can have far-reaching effects: for example, the chain of infection that has now originated from the student party at has employed corona infection tracers so that their capacity has not been sufficient, and more staff has been recruited from elsewhere. This, in turn, has a negative effect to general health care. Now the students have to make a decision: are student parties worth it if people are getting sick and the whole health care system is burdened - endangering people's health in general, not only because of the corona", Halttunen asks.

JAMK's student union JAMKO also wants to emphasize the responsible activities of students in their free time in order to avoid future exposure within the student community.

"The majority of students implement restrictions responsibly and are using common sense. However, we each have a responsibility to prevent the virus from spreading. In this situation, the choices made by individuals have a serious impact on the whole community and this should not be underestimated. That is why it is important that everyone now avoids gatherings and events. The pandemic has lasted for a long time and has exhausted many of us, but with the vaccinations, light is already visible at the end of the tunnel", reminds Stella Palassalo, Chairperson of the Board at JAMKO.

JAMK also wants to remind students of the use of the Koronavilkku-app. With the help of the application, exposures can be traced quickly if necessary, and users of the application receive information about possible exposure directly on their phone - but only if the infected person reports a positive result through the application.

"It is the responsibility of everyone who has become infected to report it through the application so that information about possible exposures can be disseminated. It is not a matter of stigma or shame, but a matter of helping fellow human beings", Rector Halttunen reminds.

More information:
Jussi Halttunen, Rector
[email protected]
tel. +358 400 644 913
JAMK University of Applied Sciences

Stella Palassalo, Chairperson of the Board
tel. +358 44 3211 500
Student Union JAMKO