Institute of New Industry

Institute of New Industry is an innovative pioneer in the education of industries, as well as in testing and expert services. We train the engineers of the future and provide companies a wide range of services that support sustainable development and help companies and society move towards more environmentally friendly and competitive operations.

At the Institute for New Industry, you will find expertise and competence in areas

  • responsible production,
  • the application of digital solutions to practice,
  • the utilization of recyclable materials,
  • intelligent material flows and life cycles, and
  • testing and measurement.

We are a reliable development partner when you want more productivity, profitability and competence.

We research, develop, and innovate

Applied research, insightful development, and unique innovations! We are constantly working on interesting RDI projects in collaboration with businesses, other development organizations, and educational institutions.

Get to know our projects:

Adding Value by Clean Hydrogen production

Implementation time: 1.1.2024 - 30.6.2026

Unit: School of Technology

Financing program: Just Transition Fund (JTF)

Hydrogen highway - H2HW4

Implementation time: 1.6.2024 - 30.6.2025

Unit: School of Technology

Financing program: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027

RDI docking platform

Implementation time: 1.1.2023 - 31.3.2025

Unit: School of Technology

Financing program: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027

Creating competence with creativity and reliability

We serve businesses, organizations, and communities using our multidisciplinary expertise and state-of-the-art laboratories.

  • We transform customer problems into mathematical and logical models and solve them.
  • We collect, process, analyze, and utilize information to meet industrial needs.
  • We develop, apply, and build solutions for all phases of the lifecycle.
  • We use applications, tools, and methods that are on the cutting edge of industrial innovation.

Latest news

Student story

Studying Purchasing and logistics engineering broadens career opportunities

"I have been enjoying studying Purchasing and Logistics at Jamk. One of the reasons is that my previous work experience aligns well with my current studies, making me feel that I am improving my skills."


More information

Are you interested in education? Would you like to discuss RDI topics or co-operation? Or can we help with services? Contact us!

Sami Kantanen

Johtaja Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Director Institute of New Industry
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology


Risto Pakarinen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology

Research, development and innovations

Marita Valkonen

Johtava asiantuntija, Chief Specialist
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology


Harri Tuukkanen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology

Janne Lappi

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology