School of Technology
We develop and strengthen learning, competence and competitiveness together with partners and cooperation networks in Engineering, ICT, and Bioeconomy. Creativity. Technology.

2 900
Everyday, over 2 900 students work with us to become the future professionals of high technology and bioeconomy.
Our specialists in automation and robotics, bioeconomy, cybersecurity, and technologies, are prepared to share their knowledge. They are the ones who never stop learning.
They have the latest know-how, the right kind of attitude, and pride in their professionals skills. They are the ones, who are prepared to innovate the world to be a better place.
Education gives the power of knowledge
We offer high quality Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and Open Studies. Our graduates are prepared to plan, manage and develop their environment with a creative manner, seeking for new solutions.
Information and communication technology offers work for skilled people. JAMK offers education leading to a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or business as well as to a Master’s degree focused i.e on AI, Cybersecurity, and Software Development.
Research, development and innovation
Our working-life oriented research, development and innovation work is especially strong in our focus areas. RDI activities include both renewing competence within Jamk and improving the competitiveness of over 300 organisations.
Automation and robotics
We help companies navigate and develop through automation, robotics, machine vision and closely related technologies.

Competitiveness Development in Engineering, ICT and Bioeconomy
School of Technology has over 60 years long history in engineering and technology education. Our expertise area cover mechanical engineering, electrification and automation, purchasing and logistics, information technology, as well as...
Contact information

Petri Lakka
Yksikönjohtaja, Director
Teknologia hallinto, Administration
Teknologia, School of Technology