Well-being at work, work ability and transferable skills

kaksi miestä tutkii laitetta

Our objective is to produce knowledge and operating methods for promoting work ability and well-being at work. Workplaces need competence and means to influence and prevent the risks of work ability and well-being at work at different stages of the employees’ careers. A prerequisite for successful rehabilitation that is linked to work is effective cooperation between the employee, supervisors, occupational health care and rehabilitation actors.

Projects of the research theme

More information

Katriina Hyvönen

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Sanni Tiitinen

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Sanna Sihvonen

Yliopettaja, Principal Lecturer
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies