Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation

We act as a forerunner in rehabilitation, developing the best rehabilitation solutions in collaboration with working and business life.

We are a developer of rehabilitation and reformer of rehabilitation competence.

Well-functioning everyday life

The importance of rehabilitation has been emphasized when supporting  people’s maximum participation in society and their ability to cope independently. This is a matter of both 
a valuable and equal life and resource-wise activities by society.

Jamk’s multidisciplinary rehabilitation focus area is an internationally recognised and valued reformer of rehabilitation and builder of solutions for the changing societal needs. The focus area’s points of emphasis include:

  • the digitalisation of rehabilitation and service system renewal
  • effective evidence-based rehabilitation
  • lifelong sustainable work ability and functional capacity. 

The focus area works to develop the entire national education sector. The objective of the impact of the activities is to seamlessly integrate multidisciplinary and digital rehabilitation into social and health care services, thus increasing the availability and efficiency of the services.

The objective of internationalisation is to launch WHO Collaborating Centre activities based on extensive international rehabilitation project work and partnerships.

Additional information

Pekka Anttila

Johtaja Kuntoutusinstituutti, Director Institute of Rehabilitation
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies