Jamk educates in 2021

In 2021, records were broken, especially in the number of applicants for degree studies. The number of applicants for English-language studies in particular increased by more than half compared to the previous year. The popularity of the open studies was also reflected in the increase in the number of credits completed – breaking the record for the ninth year in a row.

Hymyilevä naisopiskelija keskustelee vieressään istuvan miesopiskelijan kanssa pöydän ääressä.

In 2021, the degree education of Jamk University of Applied Sciences reached a total of 1,092 bachelor’s degrees and 235 master's Degrees.

Amount of Degrees

Amount of degrees in Jamk in 2018-2021.

Amount of degrees in Jamk in 2018-2021. 

There was a huge increase in the number of applicants for Jamk, especially for English-language degree studies: the total number of applicants in the first joint application in January 2021 increased by about 60% compared to the January 2020 application. The total number of applicants for English-language bachelor's and master's degree programmes was 4,351.

The results of the second joint application period in the spring showed the effect of the pandemic as an increase in the popularity of online studies. Almost half of those who applied to Jamk University of Applied Sciences for a bachelor's degree applied for multimodal implementations, which are mainly performed online. In total, there were 16,530 applicants for Jamk's Finnish degree programmes.

Records were also broken regarding the number of credits completed in the open studies, now for the ninth time in a row. A total of 41,411 open studies credits were completed at Jamk, which is over 10,000 credits more than in the previous year (31,316 in 2020). The increase from the previous year was a staggering 32%. Most studies were conducted in 2021 in the regional nurse study path. The studies have been made possible in order to respond to the current shortage of nurses in Finland.

The School of Professional Teacher Education had 840 students during the financial year and 400 people achieved professional teacher qualifications (393 in 2020). There were a total of 1,421 applicants to Jamk’s School of Professional Teacher Education in January 2021. Measured by the total number of applicants, Jamk had the most popular School of Professional Teacher Education in Finland in 2021. The popularity of online studies was also evident within applicants.

Degree goals of Jamk University of Applied Sciences for 2018–2021

Classification in accordance with the agreement with the Ministry of Education and Culture Objective 2021-2024 on avg. Result 2021 Result 2020 Result 2019 Result 2018
Bachelor’s degrees in total 1283 1092 1217 1121 1114
  • Arts and cultural fields, educational

    fields, social sciences (Bachelor)
43 27 40 38 41
  • Humanistic fields, medical science and health and wellness fields (Bachelor)
440 343 360 330 347
  • Business management, administration

    and law and service fields (Bachelor)
370 330 405 330 356
  • Natural sciences, business information technology and telecommunications, technology fields and agriculture and forestry fields (Bachelor)
430 392 412 423 370

Master’s degrees in total
280 235 250 201 194
Those with completed Teacher Education training 390 400 393 390 321
Foreign degree students in total - 631 471 484 506
Number of exchange students leaving from and arriving to Finland:          
  • Those in exchange abroad more than 3 months
- 52 93 231 261
  • Those in exchange at Jamk more than 3 months
- 164 158 330 421


Recognition in Quality

In 2021, the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) awarded Jamk with the Excellence quality label, which is a recognition of exceptionally high-quality development work. Jamk was awarded with this recognition as the first university in Finland.

The evaluation criteria were e.g. pioneering, courage and open-mindedness in development work, long-term development know-how and extensive involvement of various actors in development work. The Excellence quality label required evidence of exceptionally high quality development work in the evaluation area and evaluation criteria.

In addition to the Excellence quality label awarded by FINEEC, Jamk's business degree received international recognition: the International Business degree program was awarded the prestigious 5-year EFMD accreditation. This is the most internationally accredited accreditation a business-focused degree programme can receive.