Annual Report 2021

Although the effects of the coronavirus still marked the year 2021, the highlights of the year can be seen in a number of positive aspects. RDI continued to grow. The number of applicants for studies also increased, especially for international degree programs.

Changes ahead, changes made

Although the effects of the coronavirus still marked the year 2021, the highlights of the year can be seen in a number of positive aspects: moderate growth in the economy, new openings and positive developments in job satisfaction.

A year of change and mergers

The year 2021 did not bring the much-needed way out of the corona pandemic, but Jamk has nevertheless persistently pushed forward.

Key Performance Indicators 2021

The year 2021 was the 25th year of operation of Jamk University of Applied Sciences Ltd. The year was further marked by the pandemic, which led to education, services and research and development being carried out mainly remotely.

Jamk educates in 2021

In 2021, records were broken, especially in the number of applicants for degree studies. The number of applicants for English-language studies in particular increased by more than half compared to the previous year.

Jamk researches, develops and serves the working life in 2021

Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun tutkimus-, kehittämis-, ja innovaatiotoiminta kasvoi vuonna 2021 jälleen ennätyksellisiin lukemiin, kokonaisvolyymin kasvaessa 12,1 miljoonaan euroon.

Highlights in 2021


First-ever Quality Label for Excellence in higher education awarded to JAMK University of Applied Sciences


JAMK part of consortium winning World Bank funded project in Kazakhstan


New robotics solution developed by JAMK and Fortum increases occupational safety and enhances maintenance of nuclear power plants


A cyberattack targeted at food production value chain can have serious consequences