Student in Open UAS
Frequently asked questions, Open UAS Studies
How do I register for studies?
You can familiarize yourself with the enrolment instructions.
Can I enrol even if I am unable to pay the study fee immediately?
When enrolling for attendance, you must pay an online fee. See instructions.
Where am I on the waiting list?
You can find your waiting list status on the email confirmation, or ask us if you wish to check.
Can I enrol even though the enrolment period has ended?
If there is still time to the start of the studies, you can ask about free student places from [email protected].
Who can study for free in Jamk Open UAS?
Unemployed jobseekers, asylum seekers and those who have fled the war in Ukraine can study free of charge at Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences (until 31 July 2025). In addition, Jamk alumni can study for free under certain conditions. You can find more detailed information here.
How do I know which jobseeker status I have?
Visit the e-services (Oma asiointi) on the TE Services website.
Can a part-time layoff study for free?
If you have the code "03 temporarily laid off" in your employment record, you can study for free.
I haven’t received a user ID yet. Where can I get one?
Have you already received a study letter in your email? You will receive a letter to the email address you provided in the registration form before starting your studies. It includes instructions for applying for an ID. Remember to also check the junk folder in your email, as sometimes messages end up there. After receiving the letter, You can check your user ID and change its password from the Self service password reset. You will need your online banking codes or a Mobile ID to log in to the service. Please also see the guide for new network users and, in particular, the instructions on how to apply for a user ID.
I don’t have online banking codes for applying for a user ID.
If you do not have online banking codes, or, for some other reason, it is not possible for you to use the Self service password reset, you can obtain a user ID and password by personally contacting avoinamk (at) You can also use the Jamk Open UAS contact form.
I forgot my user ID / password. How can I get them?
You can check your user ID and change its password using Self service password reset (the service can be used several times). You will need your online banking codes or a Mobile ID to log in to the service. If you do not have them, please contact: avoinamk (at) You can also use the Jamk Open UAS contact form. Please also see the guide username/password is not correct.
I cannot log in to Moodle/email. What should I do?
Did you try to log in with Jamk’s user ID? Sometimes prior IDs are stored in the computer cache, and therefore it makes sense to try another browser, or to clear the browser cache and try again thereafter. Outlook also sometimes stores previous IDs. Try to first log out of your previous Outlook account (and clear the cache) before logging in with a Jamk user ID.
If you tried to log in several times in a row, the system will notice the failed attempts and lock the user account for a specific amount of time. A block that has been put in place after several failed logins in a short amount of time will be lifted automatically after a while. If you know what the problem is, fix it, and wait for a few hours.
It is also possible that your user ID has been locked because your study entitlement has expired. If you are uncertain about this or the situation does not correct itself automatically, please contact us.
My user ID has been locked. How can I unlock my user ID?
Your user ID will be locked, for example, if your study entitlement has expired. Otherwise, you can retrieve the user ID and password again from Self service password reset (the service can be used several times). If you think that your right to study has expired too soon, please contact: avoinamk (at) You can also use the Jamk Open UAS contact form.
When will I receive more information about the studies?
A study letter will be sent to your e-mail before the start of your studies. The study letter gives more detailed instructions for starting studies. You can already check out the student’s website in advance.
Why is my course not visible in Moodle?
If the course is not visible or has disappeared from the learning environment, please submit a service request.
I have never studied online before. Will I be able to manage it?
Online learning is a form of studying in which learning takes place in various online learning environments through an Internet connection. In other words, online learning requires a computer and a network connection. You can manage pretty well with basic skills (such as word processing, Internet, email). Instructions and self-study material in Moodle will also help you get started. Online learning requires the same skills as higher education studies in general. Independent work and a systematic approach to time management are emphasised.
Can I take part in online studies alongside work?
Online learning is possible alongside work. Online studies are as diverse as classroom learning. In other words, they may include lectures, group assignments and independent work. It is important to reserve time in your schedule for studying, as well as for other things in life.
Is attendance mandatory during classroom learning sessions?
Students must attend at least the first classroom learning session of the course. If, for a valid reason, a student is prevented from attending, they should personally contact the teacher of the course before the first session of classroom learning. Mandatory attendance depends on the educational programme in question. Always ask the teacher in charge of the educational programme.
Are the webinars mandatory in online courses?
Unfortunately, there is no explicit answer to this. In some courses, the webinars can be mandatory, in some voluntary or can be recorded. This depends on the teaching methods used by the teacher, the content of the studies and the implementation method.
I did not complete my studies. Can I continue with them? Can I get additional time for my studies?
The duration of Open UAS Studies is specified in the course information. Studies must be completed in the time frame specified at the beginning of the studies. If you did not complete your studies, please re-register for the second implementation. In this case, you will have to repay the study fee. If you are in studies of at least one year's duration, the right to study may be transferred for justified reasons with the permission of the head of education.
I want to interrupt or end my studies. What should I do?
Cancellations or interruptions of studies should always be submitted in writing using an electronic form. In cases of illness, please submit a medical certificate in addition to the cancellation form by e-mail via security email: 1) as the recipient, please enter: avoinamk (at), 2) as the subject: Medical certificate, and 3) in the message field: your name and the studies for which you have enrolled.
Can I use my own email address in my studies?
Jamk’s official messages will only be delivered to the student’s school email, and the assumption is that the student will monitor it regularly. Jamk’s email system includes a virus scanner that checks all messages received from outside the system for viruses and warns the user if necessary. At your own risk, you can turn on automatic forwarding in Outlook to another email address. However, please notice that any protection will be interrupted with the transfer.
What tools, applications and software are used in the studies?
The studies use the Moodle online learning environment, the Zoom online conferencing system and the Office365 tools. Jamk offers students Office applications for their own home computers and other devices free of charge through the Office365 service. The free Office package is called Office365 ProPlus. Familiarise yourself with the Instructions for Office apps for students and staff.
In addition, the Digital learning skills help site offers support to students. It is advisable to familiarise yourself with the online learning environments and the management of your own files, the basic OneDrive user instructions.
In addition to basic tools, profession-specific applications may be used during the studies. You can find out more about these at the beginning of your studies.
Can I study from outside the EU?
Check the mode of delivery of the studies first. Online studies can be done from anywhere. If the studies have face-to-face teaching, it is usually done at Jamk's campuses (Jyväskylä / Saarijärvi) in Finland. This means you will need a residence permit, which unfortunately is not available for Open UAS Studies.
Are there many applicants for Open University Route studies? How likely is it that I will get a place?
It depends on the studies: some may fill up while some may have places available. In any case, we recommend you to enrol immediately when the enrolment period starts. There are usually cancellations, which means that it may still be possible to get a place from the waiting list later. It is worth waiting until the beginning of the studies.
What can I do if I don’t get a student place in the Open University Route?
You can also start your studies with individual courses. Good choices, in addition to field-specific studies, are the so-called compulsory studies such as ICT skills, language studies (Swedish / English / Communication Skills for Working Life, remedial studies) and entrepreneurship studies (Jamk Innoflash, Entrepreneurship). You can also do elective studies, that you can include up to 10 credits in the Open University Route application. You can mirror the individual courses in the curriculum of the corresponding degree programme. See the curricula of our degree programmes.
Can I be sure of getting into the second part of the Open University Route studies?
If you have studied in route studies part 1, you can continue to part 2. You will be sent an enrolment link by e-mail before the course registration starts in student and study information system Peppi. Remember to enrol early enough!
What is the schedule for the orientation days?
The orientation days’ schedule can be found on the student intranet, which is referred to in the instructions for starting the studies. You can access the student login once you have received the study letter and your Jamk username.
Are orientation days for study path mandatory?
Yes, attending orientation days is mandatory. The goal of the days is to provide good preparation for planning your studies, familiarize with Jamk systems and mode of operation, and above all to create good preparation for students' community and studies. If you become ill, remember to contact your teacher tutor immediately.
Is attendance compulsory at the contact days of the Open University Route studies?
In practice, it is. If you are ill and unable to attend, you need to agree separately with the teachers, how you make up for the absence.
Is it possible to study on the Open University Route while working?
The Open University Route studies in Bachelor’s level are similar to a full-time job, so you need to reserve plenty of time for studying. Full-time studies require studying on campus on weekdays, while in blended learning there are fewer contact lessons, but more online study and independent work. However, some Route students do study alongside work. You need to look after your own well-being while studying and working at the same time. Studies require time: calculatedly, 1 credit corresponds to 27 hours of student work.
Can I do two Route studies at the same time?
Open University Route studies in Bachelor’s level are similar to full-time studies, so doing two at the same time is practically impossible.
Are Jamk’s courses equivalent to studies at other higher education institutions?
In principle, studies at the level of higher education can be accredited at other higher education institutions, but the decision is always made at the higher education institution receiving the request. You should familiarise yourself with or contact the institution receiving your request and ask for more detailed instructions.
Will the course I have completed elsewhere be accredited as part of my studies at Jamk?
A student who is completing a study module in Jamk Open UAS may apply for recognition of competence by university-level studies or other acquired learning. Familiarise yourself with the instructions.
Can I credit my previous studies into the Open University Route?
Unfortunately, you cannot apply for accreditation for prior learning as an Open University Route student, but only as a degree student. You can discuss such prior studies with your teacher tutor and, if recommended, choose some other studies suitable for the degree instead.
How long are the studies I have completed valid for the open study path application?
There is no specific number of years defined for this, but the decisive factor is whether the studies you completed in the Jamk Open University of Applied Sciences are still suitable for the degree at the time of application. Our curricula change from time to time, so if it has been a long time since your studies, it is possible that not all of them are fully suitable for the degree anymore.
Is completing the Swedish for Working Life course the same as demonstrating Swedish language proficiency ‘for civil service’?
The language proficiency required of general government personnel (so-called ‘Swedish for civil servants’) is considered attained when the student has successfully completed the required Swedish for Working Life course and received a degree certificate from the educational institution. For more information, please contact the Language Centre: kielikeskus (at)
How can I see a record of the studies I have completed?
You can see your study attainments in the Peppi Student Information System (login required). Familiarise yourself also with the Study Attainments guide. After your studies, you can view your completed studies at the My Studyinfo service.
How can I obtain a certificate / a transcript of records?
While your study entitlement is valid, you can obtain an electronically signed transcript of records via the Atomi service. The Atomi service can be found on the front page of your desktop in Peppi (login required). Familiarise yourself with the instructions for using the Atomi service. Students in a diploma of higher education or other study module will automatically receive a certificate of studies at their home address upon completion of their studies. Study path students and those who have completed single courses may order the electronically signed transcript. You can view your completed studies with online banking IDs from the My Studyinfo service.
Where can I get a certificate for TE Services?
Please send your request via email: avoinamk (at) In the message field, include your name and what studies you are taking.
How can I update my personal information (email, address, surname)?
You can update your address and email address yourself in the Peppi system. If your surname has changed, you need to send a photo of your identity card with the new surname to avoinamk (at) using Jamk’s secure mail. Please also include your original name in the message.