Professional Teacher Education Student

Enrolment and Study Entitlement

Below you can find instructions on enrolment and study entitlement. If you have more questions, please contact the student services of the School of Professional Teacher Education: opiskelijapalvelut.aokk(at)


Students are to enroll for attendance for each academic year or semester via the Jamk University of Applied Science’s Student Management System Peppi. All new students receive information on enrollment before the beginning of the academic year. 

Enrollment for the autumn 2024 (and spring 2025) semester can be made in Student Management System Peppi during 2.5.-22.8.2024 and for the spring semester 2025 during 1.11.2024 – 9.1.2025. It is recommended to enroll for the whole academic year during the enrollment period of the Autumn term. Alternatively, it is possible to separately enroll for both the Autumn and Spring semesters. In order to be able to enroll the student must have a valid study entitlement.

The students are informed of the precise enrollment period dates by the Jamk University of Applied Sciences’ email system.

Neglecting the enrollment results in the student loosing his study entitlement, which can then only be restored by the Vice Rector (provided that the maximum study period has not been exceeded). If restored the study entitlement, the student may resume his studies in the beginning of the next semester.

Study Entitlement

A person selected as a student for the professional teacher education programme who has confirmed his study place, enrolled as present and whose study entitlement has not expired can proceed in his professional teacher’s pedagogical studies. The study entitlement is in compliance with Act 932/2014 and the Degree Regulations of Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

The maximum period of studies in professional teacher education is three academic years. Once granted a study place, the student is to begin his studies in the beginning of the academic year following the selection. An exception to this rule can only be made for very particular reasons (due to long-term illness, maternity/paternity leave or military service). In these types of cases the Director of the School of Professional Teacher Education can grant the student the right to enrol as absent for the whole academic year and the studies can continue at the beginning of the following autumn semester. In all cases the absence period is considered as “spent” study time, as well. Application form for non-attendance can be found in Instructions and forms.

All students have also the possibility to complete the professional teacher education studies in less than the standard study period. In this case the personalized study plan is to be drafted in accordance with the expected study period. 

A student who has not taken the required 60 study points within the maximum study period (or the granted extension) will lose his study entitlement and thus cannot complete his studies nor obtain a certificate. In this case, the only way to complete the studies is to re-apply for the professional teacher education programme.

Discretionary Extension of Study Period

Jamk University of Applied Sciences can, for special reasons and in compliance with its’ Degree Regulations, grant an individual student a discretionary extension of study period. Before applying for discretionary extension of study period, the student is recommended to have a discussion with his educator and also with study counselor if needed. On the student´s application, the student services manager may extend the student´s study period, generally once and for up to two semesters, if the student has no more than 20 credits left to complete and graduation within the extension period is a realistic goal. An application for an extended study period must be submitted two months before the expiration of the study entitlement.

The electronic application form is available in the student's electronic service widget. An application with necessary attachments in pdf-document (study plan containing a scheduled plan for the remaining studies approved by tutor teacher/educator) must be attached to the application. Processing fee (50 eur) is charged after the application has been filled. The decision to restore the study entitlement is based on the Head of Department’s proposal and is made by the Student Services Manager. If your maximum study period is already expired, you do not have a student status and your application can not be processed.

Please notice that Jamk collects an application processing fee. The payment 50€ is collected if you apply for the discretionary extension of study period or the new study entitlement. The application processing fee is based on the Government decree 1440/2014 and must be paid when submitting the application for discretionary extension of study period.

The account information for Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (Jamk) is:
Bank: OP-Pohjola
IBAN: FI38 5290 0220 4210 34
Reference: 1122

Restoring a Lost Study Entitlement

Students who do not enrol for attendance or non-attendance or have not finished their degree within the maximum study period (or the granted extension) will lose their study entitlement.

Those who have not enrolled for attendance or non-attendance within the enrollment period can apply to the student services manager for a new study entitlement, if they have not exceeded the maximum study period.

Request for restoration of the lost study entitlement is available in Instructions and forms. In accordance with the Government's Degree 1440/2014, a fee of €50 is payable for the handling of the application and it must be paid at the same time while submitting the electronic application for the new study entitlement.

A PDF of a revised study plan approved by the career tutor/programme coordinator and a transcript of records must be attached to the application.

As a rule, study entitlement is restored at the beginning of the following semester, but if the student can present sufficient justification and supporting documents, study entitlement may be restored immediately. However, it must be done before the next date when student statistics are completed, September 20th or January 20th. All the semesters without a study entitlement due to non-enrollment will count as semesters reducing the maximum allowed attendance time. 

If a student has not finished the degree within the maximum study period (or the granted extension), but wants to continue his studies, he must re-apply for admission to education.

Student Services of the School of Professional Teacher Education

Katariina Jouhiaho

Opinto-ohjaaja, Study Counsellor
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Henriikka Lahtinen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Marika Salminen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Opettajankoulutukset, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education