Degree Student

Student Frequently Asked Questions

User name and Login

I haven’t received a user name yet. Where can I get one?

Have you already received the Welcome letter? You receive the letter by e-mail and it includes instructions on how to request a user name. Remember to also check the spam folder in your email; sometimes messages might end up there.

You can get your user name and password from the Self service password reset. You will need online banking codes or a Mobile ID to log in to the Self service password reset. If you are having trouble getting the user name, use a Student Services contact form (open form) to submit a service request. In the service request, include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

Please also see the Guide to new users and, in particular, the Guide to Self service password reset on how to apply for a user name.

You can find links to the services under the User name and Login section.

I don’t have online banking codes for applying for a user name.

If you do not have online banking IDs or for some other reason it is not possible to use the Self service password reset, please submit a service request through the Student Services contact form (open form) and include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

You can find links to the Student services contact form under the User name and Login section.

What is a user name and how can I get one?

Each student needs a user name for logging in to Jamk’s network and/or workstations. If you have already received your Welcome letter, you can get your user name and password from the Self service password reset. Read the Guide to new users, especially the What is my username.

You can find links to the services under the User name and Login section.

I forgot my user name and / or password. How can I get them?

You can retrieve the user name and/or password from the Self service password reset (the service can be used several times). You will need online banking codes or a Mobile ID to log in to the Self service password reset. If you are having trouble getting the user name, use the Student Services contact form (open form) to submit a service request. In the service request, include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

Also see the Login problems instructions.

You can find links to the services and instructions under the User name and Login section.

I cannot log in to Moodle, Elmo or email. What should I do?

Did you try to log in several times in a row? The system detects incorrect log-in attempts and locks the user account for a certain period of time (so-called Intruder Lockout). The Intruder Lockout that has been put in place after several failed logins in a short amount of time will be lifted automatically after a while. If you know what the problem is, fix it, and wait for a few hours. It is also possible that your user ID has been locked because your study entitlement has finished.

If the course is not visible or has disappeared from the learning environment, submit a service request through Helpdesk. Click "New ticket" and select "Services - Tietojärjestelmät ja palvelut" in the Category field and select "Moodle" on the sub-menu. If you cannot log in to Helpdesk, submit your request with the Student Services contact form (open form) and include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

You can find links to the services under the User name and Login section.

I already managed to log in to Jamk’s systems once but now I can no longer do it. What is wrong?

Sometimes the device’s cache stores old IDs. Try another browser or clear your browser's cache and try again.

Outlook might sometimes store previous IDs. Try to first log out of your institute’s Outlook account (and clear the cache) before logging in with a Jamk user name.

If this doesn’t help, submit a service request using the Student Services contact form (open form) and, include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

You can find links to the Student services contact form under the User name and Login section.

My user name has been locked. How can I unlock my user name?

Your user name will be locked, for example, if your study entitlement has expired. Otherwise, you can retrieve the user name and password again from the Self service password reset (the service can be used multiple times). You will need online banking codes or a Mobile ID to log in to the Self service password reset. If you have problems getting your user name, submit a service request using the Student Services contact form and include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

Please also see the Guide to new users and, in particular, the Guide to Self service password reset on how to apply for a user name.

You can find links to the services under the User name and Login section.

Problems with Logging in to Peppi

I can't log in to Peppi with my user name. What should I do?

Log in with your Jamk user name at If you cannot log in, try emptying your browser cache. If you have more than one study entitlement, try logging in with a different user name.

If you cannot access the students’ desktop, submit a service request through Helpdesk. Click "New ticket" and select "Services - Tietojärjestelmät ja palvelut" in the Category field and select "Peppi (opiskelijahallintojärjestelmä/Study administration system)" on the sub-menu. If you cannot log in to Helpdesk, submit your request with the Student Services contact form (open form) and include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

Learning Environment

Why is my course not visible on Moodle?

If the course is not visible or has disappeared from the learning environment, submit a service request through Helpdesk. Click "New ticket" and select "Services - Tietojärjestelmät ja palvelut" in the Category field and select "Moodle" on the sub-menu. If you cannot log in to Helpdesk, submit your request with the Student Services contact form (open form) and include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

Studying at a Higher Education Institution

I have never studied online before. Will I be able to manage it?

Online learning is a form of studying in which learning takes place in various online learning environments through an Internet connection. In other words, online learning requires a computer and a network connection. No specific ICT skills are needed; you can manage pretty well with basic skills (such as word processing, Internet, email). Instructions and self-study material will also help you get started, and you can familiarise yourself with them already before enrolling for the studies. Online learning requires the same skills as higher education studies in general. Independent work and a systematic approach to time management are emphasised.

I have a need for special support (such as dyslexia). Can I study at a higher education institution?

Yes, you can. You will receive support and guidance for your studies, and you can apply for individual special arrangements to support your studies. Read the instructions on accessibility and individual special arrangements.

Can I take part in online studies alongside work?

Online learning is possible alongside work. Online studies are as diverse as classroom learning. In other words, they may include lectures, group assignments and independent work. It is important to reserve time for studying, as well as for other things in life.

Can I use my own email address in my studies?

Jamk’s official messages will only be delivered to the student’s school email, and the assumption is that the student will monitor it regularly. Jamk’s email system includes a virus scanner that checks all messages received from outside the system for viruses and warns the user if necessary. At your own risk, you can forward Jamk’s emails to another email address. However, please notice that the virus scanner does not work in forwarded emails.

Is attendance mandatory during classroom learning sessions?

Students must attend the first classroom learning session of the course. If, for a valid reason, a student is prevented from attending, they should personally contact the teacher responsible for the implementation of the course before the first session of classroom learning. Students must report their presence on online courses in a manner specified by the course teacher. (Degree Regulations, section 18)

I did not complete my studies. Can I continue with them? Can I apply for an extension?

If you are a student at the Teacher Education College or you are studying a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, and it seems that you will not be able to complete your studies during the period of your study entitlement, you can apply for a discretionary extension. You may be granted a one-off extension for a justified reason no more than twice.

You can find the instructions on how to apply for a discretionary extension on the Elmo intranet.

What tools, applications and software are used in the studies?

Office365 tools are used in the studies. Jamk offers students Office applications for their own home computers and other devices free of charge through the Office365 service. The free Office package is called Office365 ProPlus. Familiarise yourself with the Instructions for Office applications for students and staff.

In addition, the Digital learning skills help site offers support to students. We recommend that you learn how to use the online learning environments (Moodle), how to manage your own files, and that you read the basic OneDrive user instructions.

Where do I prepare a training plan and how do I find it?

The practical training instructions and plan template for degree students are available on the Elmo intranet.

Where and how can I print and / or copy documents?

Read the instructions on how to print and use multifunction device.

I have various study entitlements. Where can I see them?

If you have several valid study entitlements, you can see them in Peppi by clicking on your name in the upper right corner. Read the instructions on multiple study entitlements.

I have more than one user name at Jamk and I can log in to Peppi with the one I use less often. How can I change my user name to the one I use more often?

Students have only one user name with the other possible user names attached to it. If you want to change your less-used name to the one you use more frequently, please submit a service request through Helpdesk. Click "New ticket" and select "Services - Tietojärjestelmät ja palvelut" in the Category field and select "Peppi (opiskelijahallintojärjestelmä/Study administration system)" on the sub-menu. If you cannot log in to Helpdesk, submit your request with the Student Services contact form (open form) and include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

I am about to finish my studies. What should I do?

There are some things that students need to do before they can apply for the degree certificate. See the the graduating checklist for students.

I want to interrupt or end my studies. What should I do?

If you wish to stop studying and leave Jamk, you must notify this in writing. You can find the form named "Discontinuation of studies" on the Electronic Services web page in the section Electronic applications and forms. When you submit this form, you permanently resign from Jamk University of Applied Sciences. The date of resignation is no earlier than the date on which the notification arrives at Jamk. Make sure that all your completed courses have been are recorded on the study register. It is no longer possible to record courses after you have submitted the notification of ending your studies.

Accreditation of Studies

Are Jamk’s courses equivalent to studies at other higher education institutions?

In principle, higher education level studies are accredited in other higher education institutions but it is a good idea to learn more about this or contact the higher education institution in question and ask for more detailed instructions.

Will the course I have completed elsewhere be accredited as part of my studies at Jamk?

If you have acquired competence, for example, by studying at another higher education institution, at work, in a project or in voluntary activities, you can apply for accreditation, i.e. for the recognition of prior learning and experience (Degree Regulations Section 17). At Jamk, the recognition of prior learning and experience is divided into accreditation of higher education studies (replacement and inclusion) and recognition of informal learning.

Leadership training and training education during the military service can be accredited in your University of Applied Sciences degree.

Studies included in an eligible degree cannot be accredited in the degree.

Read the instructions on the recognition of prior learning and experience at Jamk.

Is completing the Swedish for Working Life course the same as demonstrating Swedish language proficiency ‘for civil service’?

The language proficiency required of general government personnel (so-called ‘Swedish for civil servants’) is considered attained when the student has successfully completed the required Swedish for Working Life course and received a degree certificate from the educational institution. For more information, please contact the Language Centre.

I have completed language studies earlier. Can they be accredited?

Read the instructions on the recognition of prior learning and experience at Jamk and the instructions on recognising language and communication studies on the Elmo Student intranet.

Can I get accredited for a thesis that I have previously completed?

As a rule, a thesis completed previously or elsewhere can not be fully accredited. The accreditation of a thesis is assessed in the thesis team of the field in relation to the learning objectives and evaluation criteria set for the thesis in accordance with the thesis evaluation procedure which is applied at the university of applied sciences. A thesis that is partly or entirely accredited cannot be more than five years old.

Is there a time limit for completed courses to be accredited?

The competence must be up-to-date and valid from the perspective of the learning objectives of the degree, modules and study units at the moment when accreditation is applied for regardless of when the student has acquired the competence.


What kind of demonstration is needed to receive accreditation?

Replacement and inclusion

Certificates or equivalent documents of completed studies.

Recognition of informal learning

For example: written documents, interview, video, learning diary or portfolio.

Study Attainments, Certificates and Personal Data

How can I see a record of the studies I have completed?

You can see your completed courses on the Peppi student and study information system. Familiarise yourself also with the instructions on study attainments.

You can find a link to the Peppi system at the bottom of this page.

How can I obtain a certificate or a transcript of records?

You can get an electronically signed certificate of registration and transcript via the Atomi service. You can find the Atomi service on the front page of your Peppi Students' Desktop. Familiarise yourself with the instructions for using the Atomi service.

You can find a link to the Peppi system at the bottom of this page.

Where can I get a certificate for TE Services?

You can get a certificate for TE Services from the study administration. Submit a service request through Helpdesk. Click "New ticket" and select "Study Services - Opintopalvelut" in the Category field, then select your student type on the sub-menu. If you cannot log in to Helpdesk, submit your request with the Student Services contact form (open form) and include your name and specify which degree programme or education you have been accepted to, or in which you are already studying.

Can I get a new certificate to replace one that has gone missing?

You can obtain a certified copy of a certificate of studies completed at Jamk. Familiarise yourself with the instructions and initiate an information service request for Student Services or an information service request for International Services (copies of certificates related to international studies). The processing time of the application is approximately seven (7) working days. The document copies are subject to a fee.

How can I update my personal information (email, address, surname)?

You can update your address and email address yourself on the Peppi system. For example, if your surname has changed, you must send a photo of the identity document with a new surname to the Student Administration via Jamk's secure email: degree students to opiskelijapalvelut(at) and the students of the Teacher Education College to opiskelijapalvelut.aokk(at)

You can find a link to the Peppi system at the bottom of this page.