Degree Student
Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
What are Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience as well as Accreditation?
Recognition of prior learning and experience means that you are able to identify what you already know, allowing you to apply for accreditation of your competence (see Degree Regulations, Section 17). You may have acquired prior learning, or you may acquire it during your studies, in many different ways by studying in another institution of higher education, by working or by engaging in project or volunteer work.
Recognition of prior learning and experience at Jamk
At Jamk University of Applied Sciences, accreditation or prior learning and experience can be recognised in two ways (see figure 1):
- accreditation of higher education studies (replacement and inclusion)
- recognition of informal learning
Accreditation of higher education studies
By accrediting university-level studies completed elsewhere you are able to replace entire modules or individual courses in your degree programme or include them as part of your studies. Studies completed elsewhere must correspond with the level of the degree programme (EQF 6 or EQF 7).
Replacement means the replacement of studies included in the curriculum with higher education studies of at least the same level (EQF/NQF 6 or EQF/NQF7) and with similar learning outcomes completed elsewhere in the same field of study.
At Jamk, students can apply for replacement for the so-called for compulsory studies. You can replace entire module (less than 30 credits) or individual courses.
Inclusion means the inclusion of higher education studies of at least the same level (EQF/NQF 6 or EQF/NQF7) completed elsewhere as part of the degree.
Students can include previously elsewhere completed studies as part of your alternative or elective studies. Accreditation for a larger module (more than 30 ECTS credits) is also applying by including.
Recognition of informal learning
The recognition of informal learning (prior to studies or during studies) means that you try to understand and structure the competence you have acquired in relation to the learning outcomes of the module or course. Informal learning may have been acquired, for example, at work or in hobbies. In order to be able to recognise, or accredit, the competence you have acquired as part of your studies you must describe and prove your competence. You may demonstrate your competence in the form of a written document (such as a certificate), an interview, portfolio, learning diary, video, etc.
Demonstration of competence may also be required if your previously acquired competence only partially replaces the course in your HOPS. The rest of the course can be completed as agreed with the teacher.

Applying for accreditation
Follow the steps below to apply for recognition of prior learning and experience.
Please note that when applying for accreditation in Peppi, you must apply for previously completed studies as accreditation for study and work experience and skills acquired in hobby activities as accreditation for competence.
How to apply for accreditation of higher education studies?
Learn more about the modules in your degree programme and courses as well as their learning outcomes. You can find the learning outcomes in your curriculum. If you feel that you have mastered the learning outcomes, you may apply for accreditation.
- Before applying for accreditation, you should have a guidance discussion with, for example, your career tutor.
- Apply for accreditation on the basis of a guidance discussion in Peppi from the teacher in charge of the course or module. For larger modules, accreditation is applied from the person in charge of the education, who is usually the head of the degree programme at Jamk. Get to know Peppi instructions for applying for an application.
- In the application, describe to the teacher in charge or the head of the degree programme the basis of why you are applying for accreditation and how your skills correspond to the learning outcomes of the studies. Make use of the evaluation criteria of each course or module.
- Submit the certificate of previously completed studies, e.g. transcript of records. In addition, you can share the details of the study attainments through the service. Read the instructions for sharing study attainments on the Elmo intra.
How to apply for recognition of informal learning?
The process of recognition of informal learning progresses as follows:
- Consider your competence: what knowledge and skills could you accredit in the recognition process?
- Compare your competence with the learning outcomes of the courses. You can find the learning outcomes in your curriculum.
- Discuss accreditation for competence with your Career Tutor (the guidance discussion).
- Fill out the application in Peppi and address it to the teacher in charge of the course or module and agree on a demonstration of your competence with her/him. Get to know Peppi instructions for applying for the application.
- Attach proof of your competence to the application. It can be, for example, a certified copy of your employment certificate.
- The teacher in charge accepts (or rejects) the application and the contract information is transferred to your PLP.
- Demonstrate your competence as agreed with the teacher.
- The teacher in charge assesses your competence and makes an assessment decision. An accreditation mark from the assessment will not appear on your PLP.
- If your demonstration is not accredited, you may complete your demonstration once.
Recognition of Practical Training
Students can apply for recognition (recognition of informal learning) of their practical training when the learning outcomes and competencies of the practical training are met. This applies not only to degree students but also to those coming through joint application or upper secondary level as well as open study path application. Recognition of the practical training (recognition of informal learning) is possible even during upper secondary education or open university route studies.
Depending on the student’s competencies and the degree in question, professional skills acquired through work experience can be partially or fully recognized (recognition of informal learning). The RPL application is addressed to the practical training contact person in the field of study, who will make the decision.
What happens then?
The maximum processing time of the application by the teacher in charge is one month. If a student needs to add to the application, this should be done within two weeks of notification that additional information is needed. The degree programmes define the handling of the applications and the timing in such a way that students are aware of them and are capable of planning their studies so that they will run smoothly, and to apply for accreditation sufficiently early.
The teacher in charge or the head of the degree programme will assess the achievements put forward by the student in relation to the learning outcomes, and will decide on the accreditation on that basis. The teacher in charge or the head of the degree programme can also require the student to present further evidence, or a demonstration, or call the student in for an interview. The teacher or the head of the degree programme can also reject the application.
What if an application is not approved?
If the teacher in charge or the head of the degree programme rejects the application, he or she shall explain the reasons in writing.
If the accreditation application is rejected, the student shall attend the classes.
A student who is dissatisfied with the decision can submit a written request for rectification from the teacher in charge or the head of the degree programme. The request for rectification must be made within 14 days of the arrival of the decision. If the decision of the teacher in charge or the head of the degree programme remain negative, the student may appeal to the Board of Examiners for rectification within 14 days of being informed in writing of the decision by the teacher in charge or the head of the degree programme on the request for rectification.
Guidance and information
The career tutor will provide guidance and support on accreditation as part of the PLP or the guidance discussions. A key aim of the first PLP discussion is to ascertain the student's skills in relation to the goals of basic knowledge of the degree, and to guide the student in accreditation practices.
The issue of accreditation is discussed with the teacher in charge of the course or the head of the degree programme.