student story

Sport Business Management Student Sara aims for a Career in Sports Marketing

Sara chose Jamk's Sport Business Management MBA programme because she wanted to gain more insight into sports marketing and management. In her studies, Sara has been able to engage in various practical tasks, complemented by theoretical knowledge.

An image of Sara Turunen, a young woman who is studying Sport Business Management at Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

Jamk's MBA studies are inspiring, collaborative, and versatile

During her studies, Sara has gained a lot of in-depth experience in different sports-related subjects and has been able to apply her own previously gained knowledge to her courses.

Sara recommends the Sport Business Management MBA programme for individuals who are interested in broadening their skills, networking with like-minded professionals, and getting hand-on experience in the field of Sport Business Management.

The city of Jyväskylä has a great selection of opportunities whether you're into dancing, martial arts, theater, hockey, or anything pretty much.
-Sara Turunen, MBA student

Hear more about Sara's experiences at Jamk