customer story

ENCE was assignor in this spring's InnoFlash implementation

Hanna-Riikka Kantelinen

The Finnish esports organization ENCE was assignor in this spring's InnoFlash implementation. ENCE challenged the students to consider ENCE's TikTok account and it´s possible content.

Kuvassa post-it lappuja ja taustalla työskentelevä ryhmä

'Students are living and consuming social media trends. At InnoFlash, we got to hear the thoughts of the target group and certain kinds of feedback on content production, which is of course valuable when we think about developing our content production. We see and hear from esport enthusiasts a lot, but through the students we also heard feedback from those for whom esports is not part of their normal everyday life." Samuli Kaikkonen, ENCE's Partnership Manager, says.


In InnoFlash, it does not matter if the student is unfamiliar with the field of the assignment. In the case of ENCE, great ideas were again generated, even though the sector was unfamiliar to many.

​​​​​Although InnoFlash rewards the best ideas, the great ideas are a by-product from the student's point of view. "InnoFlash is all about learning how to work in multidisciplinary teams and how to innovate. Innovation, business development and collaboration skills are needed in all sectors. Employees with these skills are in demand in the work life. Often people in the workplace also work with experts from other fields, which is why students are randomly divided into groups during InnoFlash week," says Elina Anttonen, InnoFlash's responsible teacher.


"The ability to innovate is one of the most important qualities, especially when it comes to social media. To be successful, you need to stand out from the crowd or implement your own concept better than others. The ability to innovate helps to stay at the forefront of development," says Samuli Kaikkonen, Partner Manager at ENCE.

Are you interested in submitting an assignment to InnoFlash? Contact us!