student story

Crafting a Career in IT

Veeti Hakala

I’m Veeti Hakala and I started my studies at Jamk in Autumn 2021. My degree program is Bachelor of Engineering: Information & Communication Technology - specializing in application development.

I have always been more of a “hands-on” type of person. My first job was at the age of 14, helping at a small repair shop, assisting with the repair of ATVs and boats. Since then, I’ve been working part-time while studying in different education levels. Summer vacations I’ve spent working in a variety of different jobs.

Studying ICT-Engineering degree has been demanding but also rewarding.  I’ve spent countless hours wrestling with assignments, but that's just part of the learning curve. Studies are constant problem solving and prepare you for Engineering mindset. At least my mindset has changed; Earlier I was facing obstacles, but now there are challenges to be solved.

Communication Skills - The Real Deal in IT

Now, this was a surprise – how much communication matters in IT! I always thought my social skills were just a nice extra, but they turned out to be my secret weapon. In IT, it's all about teamwork, whether you're coding or managing projects. And it’s not just about chatting away – it’s about being clear and understanding what others need. We've had courses on everything from handling meetings to writing professional emails. Working in diverse teams on study projects has been a valuable learning experience preparing for work life. 

In the IT field networking is a crucial part of landing a first job. Every semester we had multiple events where companies gave introductions or organized job applying workshops for example. Visits to the offices of various companies were particularly memorable. It was fascinating to see what kinds of offices the companies had and to have informal discussions with professionals working in various roles. These events were valuable in many ways. I enjoyed the fact that I could meet company preventatives in person and ask all the questions in mind with a low threshold.  

A Whole New Perspective

When I started at Jamk, I didn't expect things to turn out the way they did. After my first year, I got into practical training as a team leader in the summer school project WIMMA Lab. That led to a job offer six months later. Suddenly, I was seeing the university from the inside, not just as a student.  Working as a student coach was an amazing experience. That deepened my understanding of the IT industry and gave valuable connections to IT professionals.  And it wasn’t just me – also other peer students got working opportunities. It shows how Jamk is really about setting us up for the real world, not just getting us to graduate.

Jamk’s approach to teaching ICT engineering is impressively practical. Even theoretical subjects like mathematics were taught through hands-on activities, like programming Python applications to solve mathematical problems. These methods transformed my perception of subjects I previously found uninteresting, demonstrating the real-world applicability of our curriculum.

Embracing Internationality

The diversity in our classroom, with students from various countries, enriched my educational experience. This international environment is particularly beneficial in the IT field, where English serves as a common language. Jamk’s program prepared us well for multicultural teamwork and introduced us to the nuances of Finnish work culture, an essential skill for those planning a career in Finland. Choosing an international degree was one of my best decisions.