Social Services and Health Care

In the field of Social Services and Health Care we offer seven bachelor's and six master's degree programmes. The degree programme in nursing is taught in both Finnish and English. We have three Master´s degree programmes in English.

Welcome to study with us!

Do you want to be a nurse and work with clients of different age groups? As a graduated nurse you can work in different care settings. Or are you interested in our Master School?  We have two Master´s degree programmes in English

NEXT APPLICATION PERIOD: 3 - 17 January 2024

Master's Degree

Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy, Master of Health Care

Application period: 8.1.2025 - 22.1.2025

Study mode:

Part-time studies
Full-time studies

Education starts: 18.8.2025

Master's Degree

Advanced Practice Nursing (APN), Master of Health Care

Application period: 8.1.2025 - 22.1.2025

Study mode:

Part-time studies

Education starts: 27.8.2025

Bachelor's Degree

Nursing, Bachelor of Health Care

Application period: 8.1.2025 - 22.1.2025

Study mode:

Full-time studies

Education starts: 22.8.2025

How to Apply for Exchange at Jamk?

Interested in applying for exchange at Jamk? Head on to reading more about how and when to apply!


GeNEdu Blog: Creating competences for gerontological nurses in China

GeNEdu Blog: Creating competences for gerontological nurses in China

More information:

Pekka Anttila

Johtaja Kuntoutusinstituutti, Director Institute of Rehabilitation
Kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialan instituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Tytti Solankallio-Vahteri

Asiakkuuspäällikkö, Key Account Manager
Hyvi kehittämispalvelut, Development Services
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies