Jamk Future Factory for assignors
Become an assignor and open the door to students from all majors at Jamk!
Jamk Future Factories brings together students from different disciplines to work in teams to solve real-life development challenges and develop students' entrepreneurial skills. The student projects are carried out in two courses, InnoFlash and Working Life Projects.
How does the assignor's journey progress in Future Factory?
- The assignor completes and submits the assignment form.
- The assignment is finalised in a meeting.
- The students divide up the assignments.
- The assignor will present the assignment to the students.
- The assignor will support the students in the project.
- The assignor will receive the results produced by the students.
- We will be in contact with you to discuss the next assignment ideas together.
Our assignors
Contact us for more information
Hanna-Riikka Kantelinen
Suunnittelija, Administrative Planner
Yrittäjyys ja Innovaatio, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services