Music Campus Library

Students at music campus

The Library is located on the Finnish Music Campus, Pitkäkatu 18-22, 40700 Jyväskylä.

Phone 040 559 4193, Email: kirjasto.musiikki(a)

The opening hours can be seen on our website.

The Library of the Finnish Music Campus specializes in music and provides services for Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä University and Gradia (Music and Dance). The Library is open to everyone.

At the Music Campus Library you will find computer workstations that can be used for example for information search and listening to music. In addition, the Library offers spaces for group work and individual work. For students and staff of the Finnish Music Campus, also the sound editing room Äänipaja is available.

The Music Campus Library collection consists of sheet music, scores, music literature, journals, recordings and electronic material. There is material on the field of music for researchers and students as well as experts and amateurs.

In our Library you can find information and material on, for example:

•    music theory and history

•    the research of music

•    music and early childhood education

•    pedagogy

•    the production of music

•    music therapy and physiology

•    genres (classical music, pop/rock/jazz, folk)

At the Music Campus Library all customers can make copies and print:

Printing / copying:

A4 black-and-white €0.03     

A4 in colour               €0.06     

A3 black-and-white €0.06

A3 in colour                €0.12

Scanning is free of charge

Äänipaja = "Audio Workshop"

Äänipaja is a small sound recording and editing room which can be used for studying, doing research and personal purposes.

At Äänipaja you can, for example:

  • record, edit, mix audio & program midi instruments
  • start, continue, add to and edit musical projects
  • attend music technology courses
  • practice music technology skills

To get the right to use Äänipaja students and staff of the Finnish Music Campus have to participate in an introductory orientation. If you are interested in using Äänipaja, please contact: Tapani Lehtonen / Music Campus Library. (040-3591704 / firstname.lastname(at)