The collection management policy

The collection management policy at Jamk Library

The collection management policy updated on 5 October 2021.

The foundation of our collection management is to provide an up-to-date collection based on reliable information and web services that assist learning and research, development and innovation activities at Jamk University of Applied Sciences. Most of the collection is in electronic format.

The Library has an annual acquisitions budget. The Library acquires books for courses according to Jamk’s degree requirements. The Library recommends the use of electronic materials in addition to printed materials when selecting course books. The Library acquires course text books based on the course descriptions in the Peppi system. The addition of new books to degree requirements must be notified of to the Library in good time before the beginning of each study period. Acquisition requests can be made via email, or an electronic form.

We develop our collections by examining their use (e.g. circulation, usage statistics of electronic materials, reports), customer feedback, Jamk’s strategy and changes in the circumstances of higher education institutions. The Library advances the utilisation of high-quality open access materials in learning, teaching and RDI activities and projects. The Library acquires books and other materials cost-efficiently. Outdated materials in the collections are regularly disposed of.

Electronic materials licensed by the Library are at the use of Jamk students and staff. The materials in the electronic collection are by and large decided on annually at the end of each year. Electronic materials acquired by the Library must have a license that permits library lending. Also open access materials can be found via the Library’s database.

The Library subscribes to journals newspapers. Journal acquisitions are decided on annually in early autumn for the forthcoming calendar year.

The Library’s institutional collection consists of books acquired for the long-term use of Jamk staff. The books are paid by Jamk departments. Further information on the institutional collection can be found on Jamk’s staff intra.

Material not found in Jamk Library’s collections or other libraries in the area can be ordered via interlibrary services.