Self-service Library

Jamk, University of Jyväskylä and Gradia students and staff are able to use the Jamk Library’s facilities and materials in the mornings and evenings outside the Library’s customer service hours. Customer service and self-service hours can be found at the Library’s website and at the Library’s doorways.

During the Library’s self-service hours you can use the Library with your library card

Log in to the Library with your own library card. In case of a problem contact the Library via the Library’s customer service or via email. You can find the log in units next to the Library doors. Follow the log in units’ instructions.

Your library card is personal. Make sure that only you enter in at the opening of the door. If you let others in, you are responsible for their actions in the Library. The Library’s and Jamk’s rules are to be followed when using the library.

The premises and use of the Library is supervised

The premises have surveillance cameras, and your identification data is recorded when you use the self-service Library. The data collected is used only to prevent and resolve misuse of the self-service Library.

Library users are obligated to take other customers into account and thereby create a peaceful working environment.

Do not leave the door open under any circumstances.

Use the self-service machines to borrow and return

During self-service hours use the self-service machines, you can get personal customer service during the Library’s customer service hours. During the self-service hours you can borrow and return material with the self-service machines, pick up the material you have reserved and use the Library’s premises and equipment.

You are responsible for the material that you are using. Remember to always return the material with the self-service machines and follow their instructions. Do not put the material you have returned back on the Library shelves yourself, but instead leave them on the shelves or in the carts near the self-service machines.

Always follow the self-service machine’s instructions when you borrow or return material.

Exiting the Library

Exit the Library by pushing the electric switch next to the Library door.

If the gates sound an alarm when you are exiting, return immediately into the Library and borrow the material again with the self-service machines.

If you fail to borrow the material, do not take the material outside the Library but instead leave them in the return carts. In accordance with the Library rules the customer is obligated to pay for lost or damaged material. Do not take any equipment or property outside the premises without permission. Identification data and surveillance camera pictures can be handed over to the police for preliminary investigation.

Library Rules

Customer registers