Camera surveillance, Library
Camera surveillance, Library - Privacy Statement
Update: 27.11.2018
1. Name of the register
Recording camera surveillance
2. Controller
Jamk University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 207
FI-40101 Jyväskylä, Finland
3. Contact person in matters concerning the register, contact information during office hours
Debuty Library Director Birgitta Kurvinen (tel. +358 40 556 3830)
4. Purpose of the processing of personal data
Self-service library’s access control and statistical use of the library.
The purpose of the recording camera surveillance system is to
- Ensuring personal safety of persons staying on the library
- Protection of property
- Prevention or investigation of situations that compromise security and property
5. Data contents of the register
The register contains the personal data of the registered customer:
- Name
- Library card number
- Camera surveillance’s recording
- Recording place
- Recording time
6. Legal bases for processing personal data
A task carried out in the public interest or the exercise of public authority (security and property protection)
7. Regular information sources
The information is stored in the access control system via the reading device on the door. When a door is opened with a library card, the cardholder's personal data (name and library card number) are stored in the access control system. Camera surveillance describes and stores a moving image of indoors and people moving there in real time. The cameras are placed in real estate in pre-designed locations.
8. Regular information disclose and information transfer outside the EU or the European Economic Area
Outside the general opening hours, security is provided by an external security service (Laki yksityisistä turvallisuuspalveluista 1085/2015).
Visitor information and camera surveillance image can be submitted to Jamk's internal security oversight or to the police as pre-trial material.
Data is not transmitted outside the EU or EEA, or international organizations.
9. Register protection principles
All cameras and recorders are in a locked location and access is monitored and are only allowed for specified persons.
10. Retention period or criteria for determining
The data in the register will be kept for as long as they are necessary for the purpose of camera surveillance, but not exceeding one (1) month. For a reason, recordings can be stored for longer.
11. Automatic decision-making/profiling
Automated profiling related to personal data is not conducted.
12. Rights of the Data Subject
Recording camera surveillance is part of personal and area safety. Documents relating to or affecting the realisation of the security arrangements of persons, buildings, installations, constructions, and data and communications systems shall be confidential. (Act on the Openness of Government Activities 621/1999 24.1§7). The information will only be disclosed to the Jamk's internal security control if suspected of misuse. In the criminal suspect, the information is handed over to the police. Read more information about the Jamk’s Privacy Policy, Data Protection Officer and the rights of the data subject and their implementation.