References - Global Education Services

Our customers tell it best. We've gathered all our customer testimonials on one page so that you can more easily get a picture of the variety and scale of solutions we've provided, around the world, over the years.

Customer story

3+1 Joint-Degree programme In Purchasing and Logistics Engineering with Chinese partner, 2019-2028

Jamk’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Purchasing, and Logistics Engineering is the first logistics degree programme awarded the EUR-ACE label in Finland. It is a comprehensive package of both engineering and business.

Customer story

A pioneer of bicultural nursing colleges in the higher education sector

Jamk and Beihua University have been strategic partners in the field of health care since 2012. In 2013 the cooperation reached a new stage as the Joint Bachelor’s degree programme in Nursing was approved by the Ministry of Education of China.

Customer story

CyberSec4Europe, Flagship 1 Cyber Security Exercise, 1/2021

Flagship 1 was an online executed cyber security exercise conducted by Jamk cyber security research, development, and training centre JYVSECTEC within the framework of CyberSec4Europe Project.

Customer story

Easy and Effective – Elomatic's Experience in Training Collaboration with Jamk

Elomatic's 10 experts delved into the circular economy, from a strategic level to practical implementation, in the jointly executed Bio- and Circular Economy Program by Elomatic and Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

Customer story

ENCE was assignor in this spring's InnoFlash implementation

The Finnish esports organization ENCE was assignor in this spring's InnoFlash implementation. ENCE challenged the students to consider ENCE's TikTok account and it´s possible content.

Customer story

Finnish Pedagogy Diploma Programme for K-12 teachers, Qatar, 2019

The programme was created to strengthen the capabilities of the locally hired teaching staff of Qatar-Finland International School to apply pedagogical approaches and practises widely used in schools in Finland.

Customer story

ITPRO Double-Degree Program, Central Europe, since 2000

ITPRO is a program designed for software engineering students from major technology universities in Eastern Central Europe (Debrecen University, Cracow Technical University, Ostrava Technical University, University of Zilina).

Customer story

Jamk helped to build future of WRC through comprehensive spectator research

Research gathered spectator data from WRC fans around the globe in spring 2014 with the aim to build spectator profiles and offer valuable insights to build better future for the WRC competition.

Customer story

Paper machine Technology International Skills-Up Training, China, 2012 - 2013

An expert team from Jamk School of Technology provided a two-years paper machine technology training series to about 100 Valmet’s employees in China.

Customer story

Strategic partner of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in providing consultation for the Nursing Education Reform

Jamk has had a major impact in developing nursing and nursing education in Kazakhstan as a strategic partner of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2012, Jamk has implemented multiple large-scale projects in Kazakhstan.

Customer story

Students developed the orientation process in the Working Life Project

"How to improve the induction process so that interns and temporary workers entering a demanding environment would know better what to expect and be better prepared?", this was the assignment of Ykköskoti in the Working Life Project (former Future Factory project) last spring. A group of sociology students took up this important challenge and the end result was an orientation tool for Ykköskoti!

Customer story

Valtra: Smart Agriculture and Agrotechnology experts are in demand

Valtra and Jamk University of Applied Sciences have various ways of collaboration. Valtra is a partner in the Finnish Future Farm project, of which goal is to strengthen the development of smart agriculture and to make software products more widely available.

Customer story

“Diverse and sustainable forestry in Finland – Perspectives in professional competence and learning“ – Teacher training program, China, 11/2019

Jamk's experts from the Institute of Bioeconomy and Professional Teacher Education co-delivered a four-days training program for a group of forestry teachers and educational leaders from Liaoning, China.

More information

Heikki Pusa

Koulutusvientipäällikkö, Head of Education Export
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services