Degree comparison and personal learning plan for nursing studies

Are you interested in working as a registered nurse in Finland but don't want to start your studies from scratch? Our experts can help you develop a personal learning plan that takes into account your previous work and studies in the field!


Send us the documentation of your completed nursing studies and relevant work experience. Based on those, our experts will provide you with a personal learning plan for European bachelor level education in nursing according to Jamk's curriculum. We will also give you information on how to apply to Jamk's degree programme in nursing.

List of needed documents:

  • transcript of records
  • degree certificate
  • course descriptions / curriculum from previous home institution (if available)
  • work certificates

For more information, please contact

Marjo Palovaara

Head of Global Action, Terveysinstituutti, Head of Global Action, Institute of Health
HYVI Terveysala, Health Studies
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies