Competitiveness Development in Engineering, ICT and Bioeconomy

School of Technology has over 60 years long history in engineering and technology education. Our expertise area cover mechanical engineering, electrification and automation, purchasing and logistics, information technology, as well as multidisciplinary applied sciences such as cyber security and robotics. With the extensive expertises and high-quality Finnish Pedagogy, our Global Education Services offer intensive courses and tailor-made programs to students and professionals . We also cooperate with international higher education institutions to provide joint degree programs.

Expertise Areas

  • Automation & Robotics, Cybersecurity & Data Analytics, Coating Technology, Renewable Energy and Bioeconomy
  • Finnish engineering pedagogy: student-centred and problem-based learning methods with soft skills emphasized across all engineering programs
  • Highly equipped laboratories and strong applied research, development and innovation in above mentioned strategic areas
  • Virtual learning environment and education applications
  • Wide range of network and deep cooperation with industries
  • Sustainable development -perspective integrated into all our engineering education.

Services and Solutions

Development of degree programs in technology discipline

In cooperation with international higher education institutions, joint development and delivery of Bachelor/Master’s Degree Programs for groups of qualified youths/experienced technology practitioners.

Consulting in revision of technology education system

Consulting in areas including engineering education curricula, technical educators’ qualifications, advanced engineering pedagogy and learning environments.

Technological services for industry

Specific services in highly equipped accredited laboratories such as Calibration Centre, Machine Vision Lab., Process and Automation Lab., Fatigue Testing Lab., Chemistry Lab., Logistics Lab., Building´s Automation Lab, Concrete Testing Lab., Biomass Boilers Testing Lab. and Solid Biofuel Analysis Lab. and JYVSECTEC-Cyber Security Research, Training and Development Centre.

Skills Up Training

Tailor-made skills up training for professionals from industry, intensive program or thematic study visits (to Finland) designed for educators and professionals. The contents may be built around our expertise areas.




Double-Degree Program, Partner: Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany, since 2011

Since 2000 Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has been strategic partner with Jamk University of Applied Sciences. In 2011 both partners came up with the idea of doing Double Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering.

Customer story

3+1 Joint-Degree programme In Purchasing and Logistics Engineering with Chinese partner, 2019-2028

Jamk’s Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Purchasing, and Logistics Engineering is the first logistics degree programme awarded the EUR-ACE label in Finland. It is a comprehensive package of both engineering and business.

Customer story

CyberSec4Europe, Flagship 1 Cyber Security Exercise, 1/2021

Flagship 1 was an online executed cyber security exercise conducted by Jamk cyber security research, development, and training centre JYVSECTEC within the framework of CyberSec4Europe Project.

Customer story

ITPRO Double-Degree Program, Central Europe, since 2000

ITPRO is a program designed for software engineering students from major technology universities in Eastern Central Europe (Debrecen University, Cracow Technical University, Ostrava Technical University, University of Zilina).

Customer story

Paper machine Technology International Skills-Up Training, China, 2012 - 2013

An expert team from Jamk School of Technology provided a two-years paper machine technology training series to about 100 Valmet’s employees in China.

Customer story

“Diverse and sustainable forestry in Finland – Perspectives in professional competence and learning“ – Teacher training program, China, 11/2019

Jamk's experts from the Institute of Bioeconomy and Professional Teacher Education co-delivered a four-days training program for a group of forestry teachers and educational leaders from Liaoning, China.

Contact information

Huihan Hiltunen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Teknologian kehittämispalvelut, Technology Development Services
Teknologia, School of Technology

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