Research in the field of automation and robotics

Multidisciplinary research in automation and robotics

Robot hand and three people

The focus of automation and robotics research is on autonomous robotics, material technology, industrial manufacturing, digitalisation, interaction between humans and technology, modelling, simulation and green transition (energy solutions).

The impacts of robotics are also examined from the viewpoints of human well-being, performance, as well as management and organisation. Multidisciplinarity, laboratory environments and developing networks are our assets!

Autonomous robotics includes co-operation and mobile robotics as well as research related to machine vision. Secondly, in industrial manufacturing, we familiarise ourselves with new technologies and materials within Additive Manufacturing. Thirdly, digitalisation will give us an additional boost to research themes through cyber security, artificial intelligence, data analytics and augmented reality.

We are a member of the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) and we are able to influence the development of the field at a European level.

The aim of the automation and robotics research group is to promote action in the competence area, for example, by expanding research co-operation both in Finland and internationally in the European Union. In our competence areas, we strive to co-operate with European universities, research institutes and companies. We increase the share of research funding by finding new funding instruments.

Research group members

The automation and robotics research group consists of a multidisciplinary team of experts. The group members are Principal Researcher Matti Kurki, Senior Researcher Juha-Pekka Kulmala, Researcher Tero Tuovinen, Researcher Juha Jeronen, Project Engineer Elja Kallberg and Project Specialist Toni Pekkola.

More information

Matti Kurki

Johtava tutkija, Principal Researcher
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology